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uncle Crassius
12 августа 2015
Aa Aa
Как ни странно, но именно для НЕлюбителей драмионы рекомендую вот этот текст - A Wonderful Caricature of Intimacy

I, Hermione Granger, do agree to join Draco Malfoy in authentic matrimony and pose as his wife for the period of six months. The inspection period begins on the fifteenth of March and ends on the fifteenth of September. I agree to wed Draco Malfoy on the fourth of March to allow one, Zane Malfoy, son of Draco Malfoy, to become accustomed to the altered domestic situation.

I, Hermione Granger, do agree not to disclose the fact to anyone that the aforementioned marriage is not genuine. I understand that it is of utmost importance that no one is privy to the knowledge of our false marriage due to the likelihood that a Domestic Ministry Professional could discover the farce. Only in the company of others I shall act the role of devoted wife and mother.

I, Draco Malfoy, do agree to join Hermione Granger in authentic matrimony and pose as her husband for the period of six months. I agree to wed Hermione Granger on the fourth of March to allow one, Zane Malfoy, son of mine, to become accustomed to the changed domestic situation.

I, Draco Malfoy, do agree, only in the company of others to act the role of devoted husband to one, Hermione Granger. I agree to finance Hermione Granger with the promised amount of six-thousand galleons, one-thousand galleons each month, for the duration of the six months.

I, Draco Malfoy, do agree to pay for all Hermione Granger's necessities (clothes, food, housing, and other personal items) for the duration of our six-month marriage.

We, Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger, hereby agree to address each other by our given names and to practice even in private to prevent slip-ups.

#сорри_инглиш #рекомендую
12 августа 2015
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