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Reignite the Flame (to burn down the world) (джен)

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Haruno Sakura & Uchiha Sasuke & Uzumaki Naruto, Hatake Kakashi & Uchiha Obito, Kyuubi | Nine-tails | Kurama & Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Fugaku/Uchiha Mikoto, Namikaze Minato/Uzumaki Kushina, Uchiha Itachi, Haruno Mebuki, Haruno Kizashi, Umino Iruka, Yamanaka Ino, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Yamanaka Inoichi, Hyuuga Hiashi, Uchiha Shisui, Yamato | Tenzou, Shimura Danzou, Shin (Naruto), Sai (Naruto), Shiranui Genma, Namiashi Raidou, ANBU Root, Tatami Iwashi, Yugao, Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Maito Gai | Might Guy, Tsunade (Naruto), ANBU (Naruto), Zetsu (Naruto), Ichibi | One-tail | Shukaku, Nibi | Two-tails | Matatabi, Yonbi | Four-tails | Son Gokuu, Gobi | Five-tails | Kokuou, Rokubi | Six-tails | Saiken, Nanabi | Seven-tails | Choumei, Hachibi | Eight-tails | Gyuuki, Utatane Koharu, Shizune (Naruto), Mitokado Homura, Inuzuka Tsume, Jiraiya (Naruto), Sanbi | Three-tails | Isobu, Tazuna (Naruto), Tsunami (Naruto), Inari (Naruto), Konan (Naruto), Nagato |
Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, breaking all the time travel rules, Time Travel, Canon-Typical Violence, Mild Language, Cute Team 7, Mama Bear Mikoto, Implied/Referenced Child Neglect, Kurama is infected by Naruto's not thinking plans through, He really needs to just not say things around the boy sometimes, he gives him too many ideas, The Sandaime is finally fixing things, Mikoto is on a mission and she's not stopping until she finds her woman, Tsunade is just done with everything and everyone, hurt!Naruto, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, let's just blame everything on Danzo, Sensor!Naruto, Siblings are so much fun!, Plot for everyone!, Kurama and Co are done playing, wistful Naruto, Kurama loves his siblings, not that he'll admit it, Chuunin Exams, Kurama is such a smug shit, Grief/Mourning, Shukaku got the short straw, Tsunade is not okay, Info dump of DOOM, Sasuke feels, just let Tsunade retire already, Kage Summit, BAMF Team Kakashi, Kurama has to have the last word, Kurama the drama queen, Konan says FUCK YOU
861 Кб
В процессе
25.10.2020 — 18.06.2021
They’re tired. This fight has been raging for years now with little to show for their efforts besides small setbacks and death, mainly on their side. Their numbers dwindle by the day and the ever looming shadows push them back further and further.
At this point, they’ll take just about any chance to fix this broken world.
It’s a good thing Kurama is good at multi-tasking, because he’s got a world to save, a team to keep whole and a promise to keep if he has anything to say about it.

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