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2 декабря 2017
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Немножко разрозненных заметок про заклёпки для консолей, аркадных автоматов и домашних компьютеров 1979-1991. Ещё чуть-чуть 5.

Одна из самых интересных, но при этом требующих существенного OOC персонажей развилка - это VisiCalc не на Apple, а на PDP-11. И, конечно, массовый ПК приемлемых характеристик на базе PDP-11 в 1979 за смешные деньги. Ведь даже IBM-овский Project Chess, который привёл к созданию IBM PC, был инициирован именно из-за сочетания Apple и VisiCalc.
Dan Fylstra, head of Personal Software, a pioneering software publisher, took an early interest in the concept. He managed to convince Bricklin to write VisiCalc for the Apple II instead of the DEC minicomputer Bricklin preferred.


Implementing VisiCalc
I started to program VisiCalc in November 1978 and we shipped the first production copy in October 1979. The idea itself had been percolating in Dan's head long before and we had discussed various approaches over the year before I started to program it. At one point we considered implementing the program on the DEC PDT (Programmable Data Terminal) which was a small computer that fit inside a VT (Video Terminal) -100 which was a character-based computer terminal. It would have been expensive and aimed at high level meetings. We were lucky that we didn't make a deal with DEC.

ALL-IN-1 - к вопросу о возможных альтернативах.

VisiCalc ранних версий имел размер исполняемого файла в районе 28 килобайт и требовал для работы минимум 32 килобайта ОЗУ, если не был записан на ROM-чип.
VisiCalc: Information from its creators, Dan Bricklin and Bob Frankston

Macintosh Cost in 1979 - хотя вообще-то 1981...

Т. е. цена системы с 56к ОЗУ, двумя дисководами, ч/б монитором, принтером и софтом (ось плюс таблица) должна быть в районе 5-5,5 тысяч баксов.

В качестве базовой модели для альтернативы соблазнительно взять TERAK 8510/A Graphics Computer system и радикально удешевить...
Terak was a small computer company in Scottsdale, Arizona, founded by Bill Mayberry, Dennis Kodimer and Brian Benzar. Its primary product was the Terak Model 8510/a which was the machine used by T&W for T-Square. It was based upon the Digital Equipment Corporation LSI-11/03 16-bit processor. The Digital PDP-11 was a fairly substantial machine that was marketed by Digital in several different versions. The LSI-11/03 was primarily an OEM product.
A Terak 8510/a could support up to 128KB of main memory if the 11/03 was replaced with a LSI-11/23. Hard disks up to 40MB in capacity were also available. A basic 8510/a was priced at $8,935 with a monochrome 320 x 240 resolution display. A color version of the machine was also available with 8-color 640 by 480 resolution for an extra $10,550.

Размер ROM-версии MS Basic для 6502 - 12 килобайт, и урезается очень плохо.

2 декабря 2017
