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2 января 2018
Господи, они там отдельно написали статью про апельсинки и их значение в сериале. *плачет и смеется* Ох уж эти любимые фрукты Шеридана.

Даже апельсинки были со значением! Витамин В5, блин!
Viewers of Babylon 5 will notice repeated references to oranges, beginning with the arrival of Sheridan on the station. Fresh Earth fruit had been difficult to come by while he was commanding the Agamemnon on the Rim, but for Sheridan, the fruit is also a powerful reminder of home, family, and all of the things he holds worth fighting for, so the oranges are also deeply symbolic for him (and, of course, oranges are also an excellent source of vitamin B5).
In “The Geometry of Shadows,” Sheridan is shown to be somewhat obsessed with fresh oranges. He delivers the news of Ivanova’s promotion while gushing about the wonders of fresh orange juice with the pulp still in it, and his reply to Elric’s question about his belief in magic centers on orange trees and blossoms.

In “A Day in the Strife,” Sheridan and Ta’Lon (Marshall Teague) drink orange juice when they meet, continuing Sheridan’s near-obsession with fresh oranges.

In “Shadow Dancing,” Sheridan is shown as keeping a bowl of oranges in his personal quarters. This image comes up several times in the series. Even in “Falling Toward Apotheosis,” although Sheridan’s been missing for a week, fresh oranges are in his quarters. His devotion to the fruit is such that even when he’s hallucinating while being interrogated in “Between the Darkness and the Light,” he sees a bowl of oranges in his quarters.

Other characters have associations with oranges as well. In “Walkabout,” Dr. Franklin peels and eats an orange while explaining the concept of a walkabout to Garibaldi.

In “And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder,” there is a bowl of fresh oranges on the table in Garibaldi’s quarters. This luxury is probably a result of Lise being willing to spend serious money to have healthy food available for him. As sole owner of Edgar Industries, the cost isn’t an issue for her. Her now-deceased husband, William Edgars, also showed an interest in orange juice, which could simply have been conspicuous consumption for a man with too much wealth to accurately calculate.

Later, oranges seem to be a symbol for Garibaldi of his commitment to sobriety.
