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6 августа 2018
1: Slightly above ordinary human capabilities. No extraordinary threat.
2: Significantly above baseline human, nearing peak human.
3: Beyond the reach of ordinary humans, even with technological aid, but still surmountable by coordination.
4: Significantly beyond the reach of ordinary humans, requiring planning and coordination to be engaged safely.
5: Utterly beyond the reach of ordinary humans, squads should not engage without parahuman backup except in the most dire of circumstances.
6: Unusually dangerous even by parahuman standards, all engagement should be done in teams if possible, composed of Parahumans with PRT backup.
7: Extraordinarily dangerous. PRT should not engage without significant parahuman backup, except as necessary to prevent civilian casualties.
8: Extremely dangerous. Parahumans should not engage except in teams. PRT should not engage at all.
9: Evacuation takes total priority. PRT is forbidden from direct engagement. Parahuman squads should be assembled specifically to counter this power.
10+: They are an S-Class threat which requires their own unique protocols for engagement.
