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5 произведений» 
Синдром Кассандры
Гет, Миди, Заморожен
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Слэш, Мини, Закончен
1.3k 1 17 1
Слэш, Мини, Закончен
1.2k 3 9
Где Айвен не решится сделать шаг
Джен, Мини, Закончен
1.5k 0 9
Слэш, Мини, Закончен
1.4k 6 14


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Блог » Поиск

До даты

All games are about realizing a fantasy, whether it be the fantasy of being a courageous war hero, or the fantasy of being a future space adventurer, or, in the case of some Japanese games, the fantasy of possessing eight prehensile dicks

Я обожаю Уоррена Эллиса. В списке людей, на которых я хотел бы быть хоть немного похож, он стоит на одной большой площадке вместе с Гейманом, Пратчеттом, Чеховым и Хопкинсом (да, немного странный список, действительно). И вот как он советует бороться с творческим блоком:

It may simply mean that the thing you're focused on working on isn't ready to be worked on yet. Do something else. Write some letters/emails and trick yourself into writing a tumblr post or something afterwards. Make a meal you've never made before. Make a mixtape or whatever your preferred digital version of that is. Go to http://www.oblicard.com/ and use the little reload button in the bottom left corner until you hit something that has meaning for you. Turn off the internet, read a book, listen to music, let yourself get bored and empty. Put away what you're working on right now and lock it in a drawer for two weeks. Invite your most brilliant friend over, kill them, find and eat their adrenal glands and then wear their skin as a shamanic cloak until the next full moon. Strap cats to every part of your body and tell everyone your new name is Pussy Fang Dervish. If you live in a city, go to nature. If you live in nature, go to a city. Buy a cheap notebook and write down every stupid idea you've ever had. And then write down the five most important things you want to achieve once the block is broken. And then stand up, remind yourself that your name is Pussy Fang Dervish and you can do anything, and then go and give it another try.

And good luck! This, too, will pass.
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