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Миры Роберта Хайнлайна

По произведениям Роберта Хайнлайна и их экранизациям

Миры Роберта Хайнлайна

По произведениям Роберта Хайнлайна и их экранизациям

Хайнлайн: Там, за гранью

Всего персонажей - 34

Arrhenius the Great

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Twentieth-century theorist who proposed that life-potent spores could be carried from star to star on the stellar wind. (This concept actually comes from Fred Hoyle it's not clear why RAH would choose not to give credit to an actual astronomer.)

Bainbridge Martha

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Mordan Claude's wife and chief technical assistant, a sterile mutation. She helped fight off the attackers at the Board of Policy offices the night of the Survivors Club's unsuccessful coup attempt. Worked hard at persuading Hamilton Felix to have children, arranging for him to meet Longcourt Phyllis and founding the Great Research (into reincarnation) at his behest.

Blumenthal Peter

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Manager of Diana's Playground.


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Member of the Survivors Club conspiracy, assigned to communications for the coup.

Carruthers Alfred

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Former member of the Board of Policy, and an instigator of the project searching for the Meaning of Life.


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Member of a restaurant party disturbed by an accident of Monroe-Alpha Clifford's. The altercation culminated in an exchange of gunfire; the other party was astonished that Clifford used a projectile, not an energy-beam, weapon.

Dunn, Doon

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[mentioned in passing] Ancient researcher into the meaning of dreams. [Mispronunciation of Carl Jung?]

Faircoat Marion

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Woman mentioned during Monroe-Alpha Clifford's search for Hartnett Marion. [In the novel, names are given surname first.]


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[mentioned in passing] Ancient astronomer who also investigated psychic phenomena and life after death.

Fleming Marjorie

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A fifth cousin of Hamilton Felix, considered a possible breeding partner for him.

Frisby Gerald

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Young man present during the discussion of the Adirondack Stasis Field at Johnson-Smith Estaire's party.

Hamilton Felix

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The "culmination of a three-hundred-year program of controlled genetics". Unfortunately for the genetic planners, he had no interest in producing offspring. After thwarting a revolt by the Survivors Club and falling in love with Longcourt Phyllis, he took more of an interest in life. In response to his demand to know whether life had meaning, a colossal research project into that question was organized by the government. He and Phyllis had two children, Hamilton Justina and Hamilton Theobald.

Hamilton Justina

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Daughter of Hamilton Felix and Longcourt Phyllis, given the name at the suggestion of Espartero Carvala. There are hints that she is the reincarnation of Espartero.

Hamilton Theobald

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Son of Hamilton Felix and Longcourt Phyllis. He had an eidetic memory and showed signs of being a telepath.

Hargrave Caleb

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Assistant to Dr. Thorgsen.


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Member of the Survivors Club conspiracy, given unspecified assignments for the revolt.

Hartnett Marion (Molly)

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A guest at Johnson-Smith Estaire's party with whom Monroe-Alpha Clifford fell in love. After a frantic search for her, he met her again in the Sierra Nevada Forest while he was still deranged from the abortive Survivors Club coup. Thinking she was a mutation, he tried to kill her, but she survived. She was actually an experimental genotype possessing extraordinary emotional control and civility. She married him in spite of his earlier behavior towards her. Clifford called her "Molly".


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Owner of the Milky Way Bar frequented by Hamilton Felix. He and his wife Martha were control naturals.

Hornby Willem

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Survivors Club conspirator. He was accused of disobeying orders and summarily executed.

Hoskins Geraldine

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Representative to the Genetic Planning Council from the Northwest region.


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Member of the Genetic Planning Council, Speaker for the Day during the hearing to consider Mordan Claude's proposal for an investigation into life after death.


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Name that Hamilton Felix proposed to Longcourt Phyllis for their then-hypothetical son. It means "He will bring sorrow."

Jacobstein Ray, Jake

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Director of the investigation into telepathy.


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Central American representative to the Genetic Planning Council, and a religious authority with the title Most Reverend Mediator.

Thaddeus Johnson

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[mentioned in passing] Creator of the stasis field where J. Darlington Smith was found.

Johnson-Smith Estaire

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Hostess of a party attended by Monroe-Alpha Clifford and Larsen Hazel, at which Clifford met Hartnett Marion.


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Therapist who looked in on Hamilton Felix at the Carstairs Infirmary.

Lake Louise

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[mentioned in passing] Tourist city, apparently somewhere in South America.

Larsen Hazel

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Monroe-Alpha Clifford's ortho-wife, a former professional dancer. After an amicable divorce, she resumed her career to take entertainment troupes to outplanet scientific posts.

Longcourt Phyllis

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Woman chosen by Mordan Claude as the most perfect genetic mate for Hamilton Felix; a practicing psycho-pediatrician. Although he initially resisted, she and Felix were married, and they had two children.


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[mentioned in passing] Control natural, owner of a hairdressing studio and wife of the owner of the Milky Way Bar.

McFee Norbert

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Member of the dinner party that insulted Hamilton Felix, also a guest at Johnson-Smith Estaire's party. He was a conspirator in the Survivors Club who recruited Felix and Monroe-Alpha Clifford; he was presumably killed during the abortive coup.

Monroe-Alpha Clifford

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Director of the Office of Analysis and Prediction within the Bureau of Economic Statistics. He was a friend of Hamilton Felix, who rescued him from his own folly when Cliff got involved in the Survivors Club conspiracy. He married Hartnett Marion and accepted work on the Grand Eidouranion.

Mordan Claude

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District Moderator for Genetics, married to

