Time Travel, Alternate Universe, Psychological Trauma, PTSD, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Therapy, Mind-healing, mind healing, Healing, therapist, Therapists, Psychologists & Psychiatrists, Time Travel Fix-It, Well... they try to fix it, Not so easy to do
1 008 Кб
03.02.2014 — 13.07.2018
Anakin was a Jedi once. He was also a 45-year-old Sith Lord. Now, with all of those memories crammed into his head, he's 9-years-old again and back at the Temple on Coruscant, bound and determined to change destiny. If he can, you know, stop Dooku from joining Sidious, free his mother, start a personal war against slavery, avoid Palpatine, and train to even a fraction of his previous (future?) levels, all while maintaining his cover as a 9-year-old initiate. It can get rather...overwhelming. Too bad keeping up a facade has never been one of his strong points.
Борис-Яков Игнатов теперь увековечен на Родине в Воронежской области. Это была трудная история, его имя возвращено из небытия. И мною, и поисковиками, и администрацией Таловского района.