Sansa Stark won’t slow down. Between practically running her family’s company, with the help of Robb and Arya, and her nasty breakup with her ex, Joffrey, Sansa’s life has been work, drink, sleep, repeat. After a particularly frustrating day in the office and Robb telling her to “get laid” so she’ll relax, Sansa drunkenly decides to call an escort service. She never could have predicted the way her life would change after that one night.
Даешь каждому менвиту по букету красных маков! И чтоб, сволочи, помнили, кто их так приложил. И пусть Ильсор единственный в своем роде. Но его ненависти и гнева хватит на всех, кто считает правильной пустоту в глазах арзака.