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Фэндом The Avengers (Marvel Movies) archiveofourown.org

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В сервис загружено 3 549 произведений

And if the Fates Allow 

1   15.01.2024    archiveofourown.org   
Tony did it. He brought back Peter, he saved the universe. Too bad it was all for naught. The multiple snaps did nothing to bring back the people who died that weren't dusted. It did nothing but further break the universe apart. Tony wished for another chance and the stones decided to give it to him with the hope he'll be the one to save them all...again.
This fic is Team Iron Man so just a fair warning, I will not be nice to Captain Asshole or his merry band of shitheads...except Natasha...maybe :)
Автор: Ghostwifeofficial
Фандомы: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, X-Men - All Media Types
Персонажи: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark, Tony Stark & Stephen Strange, Loki & Thor (Marvel), Jarvis (Iron Man movies) & Tony Stark, Friday & Tony Stark, Happy Hogan & Tony Stark, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Sharon Carter & Tony Stark, Harley Keener & Tony Stark, Loki (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Vision (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Scott Lang, Nick Fury, Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones, James "Bucky" Barnes, Friday (Marvel), Thanos (Marvel), Guardians of the Galaxy Team, Sharon Carter (Marvel), Ancient One (Marvel), Wong (Marvel), X-Men (Team), T'Challa (Marvel), Various MCU Characters, Fantastic Four Team
Размер: 187 Кб
Статус: В процессе

Kintsugi or Zen and the Art of Rebuilding the God of Mischief (смешанная)

1   11.01.2024    archiveofourown.org   
The Hulk smashing him into the floor broke Loki free from his connection with The Other. In that moment he was certain he would be able to tell everyone the truth of his actions. Of the one who had sent him to Earth as a would-be conquer. Confident someone would listen for the good of the universe if nothing else…but he was never given the chance to. Автор: Iwouldwrite1000fics
Фандомы: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Персонажи: Loki/Sigyn (Marvel), Loki & Loki's Children (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Sleipnir (Marvel), Jormungand (Marvel), Fenrir (Marvel), Hela (Marvel), Odin (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel)
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 87 Кб
Статус: В процессе

silence, oh titan (джен)

1   10.01.2024    archiveofourown.org   
The pull snaps, the strings of the Universe pulling and twisting and throwing until Thanos stands on Terra, the ground around him cracking under his weight. Автор: cassioqeia
Фандомы: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Персонажи: Loki & Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Thanos (Marvel), Avengers Team Members (Marvel)
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 5 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Over the fence (слэш)

1   07.01.2024    archiveofourown.org   
When he saw Loki in Siberia he genuinely thought him to be a desperate hallucination of a dying man.
He rethought the concept only when he saw his reflection in the mirror of his bathroom.
It still felt, like a dream; a dream that Tony wasn’t going to wake up from, no matter the cost.
Автор: UdSoul
Фандом: The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Персонажи: Loki/Tony Stark, Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Pepper Potts
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 43 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Our Future Lays in the Past (слэш)

1   05.01.2024    archiveofourown.org   
Tony is sent back to the beginnings in order to give the Universe a fighting chance, but he is tired. He is tired of playing by the rules and letting everyone walk all over him. So he says stop.
If he ought to become a villain in order to save Earth, then so be it. He has help this time.
Автор: Friendly Neighborhood Thanos (Helenth), Helenth
Фандомы: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Персонажи: James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark, Jarvis (Iron Man movies) & Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Ho Yinsen, Stephen Strange, Phil Coulson
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 278 Кб
Статус: В процессе

What Could Have Been (смешанная)

1   30.12.2023    archiveofourown.org   
Years before Thor's coronation, Frigga has enough of people mistreating her second son and finally tells Loki of his true heritage.
Will that change Loki’s path or will things stay the same?
Автор: BitchImTired
Фандомы: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Персонажи: Frigga | Freyja & Loki (Marvel), Loki & Thor (Marvel), Laufey & Loki (Marvel), Helblindi & Loki (Marvel), Byleistr & Loki (Marvel), Loki & Odin (Marvel), Laufey (Marvel), Helblindi (Marvel), Byleistr (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Sif (Marvel), Hogun (Marvel), Fandral (Marvel), Heimdall (Marvel), Volstagg (Marvel), Fenrir (Marvel), Hela (Marvel), Hel (Marvel)
Размер: 83 Кб
Статус: В процессе

Stalking Gods (джен)

1   30.12.2023    archiveofourown.org   
“I don’t know,” Peter said. He sat up straighter, pulling his shoulder’s back and lifting his chin. “But I’m going to find out.”
“How are you going to do that?” Ned asked, watching Peter carefully.
“I’ll follow him,” Peter said confidently. “Track him, monitor his movements and take him down if I have to.”
“You’re going to stalk a god?” Ned blinked, wide eyed.
Loki is back on earth and Tony forgot to tell Peter.
Автор: inkinmyheartandonthepage
Фандомы: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Персонажи: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Loki & Thor (Marvel), Ned Leeds, Loki (Marvel)
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 10 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Iron Frost - (titre provisoire) (смешанная)

1   28.12.2023    archiveofourown.org   
ASGARD — Le criminel, prince, magicien, et vaniteux Loki est jugé impitoyablement pour sa tentative d'asservissement du peuple humain, sa trahison envers ses devoirs de protecteur des 9 royaumes, et de la manipulation illégale du Tesseract à des fins destructrices.
TERRE — Le génie, playboy, milliardaire, philanthrope Tony Stark, peinant à se remettre de son expérience de mort imminente qu'il ...>>
Автор: panda_au_chocolat
Фандомы: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Thor (Movies), Iron Man (Movies)
Персонажи: Loki/Tony Stark, Loki & Tony Stark, Iron Frost, Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Pepper Potts, Peter Parker, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Jarvis (Iron Man movies)
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 212 Кб
Статус: В процессе

It’s Only My Everything (слэш)

1   28.12.2023    archiveofourown.org   
In order to save Anthony Stark's life, Loki performs a powerful spell. Although the mortal consents and is willing to suffer the consequences of whatever it entails, Loki knows it will be a burden difficult to bear. Because, the only way to save the life of his friend and the mortal he loves, Loki had to bind their lives together. Автор: STARSdidathing
Фандомы: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Thor (Movies)
Персонажи: Loki/Tony Stark, Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Pepper Potts
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 176 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Goodbye, brother 

1   27.12.2023    archiveofourown.org   
In a world where Loki doesn't drop the tesseract when Hulk attacks Thanos, he is able to push Thor through a portal to safety and vanish the tesseract back into safety.
The only thing he can't keep safe is himself.
Автор: Katiebot451
Фандомы: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Thor (Movies)
Персонажи: Loki & Thor (Marvel), Thanos (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Ebony Maw, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Bruce Banner, Heimdall (Marvel), Clint Barton, Proxima Midnight
Рейтинг: NC-17
Размер: 80 Кб
Статус: В процессе

Dear Brothers Mine (джен)

1   26.12.2023    archiveofourown.org   
Asgard had not one but two Golden Princes: the well-loved crown prince Thor and the equally if not more adored and protected Balder. That left Loki with little space to shine. Well, he gave up hoping at all when the Norns’ prophecy arrived the day Balder was born, when Odin ordered Frigga to cast a protection spell for Balder against all harms, when his mother wordlessly obliged.
Until, that ...>>
Автор: RuuNitta
Фандомы: Thor (Movies), Loki (TV 2021), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Персонажи: Loki & Thor (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja & Loki (Marvel), Balder & Loki (Marvel), Loki & Tony Stark, Hela & Loki (Marvel), Balder (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Odin (Marvel), Angrboða | Angerboda (Norse Religion & Lore), Nick Fury, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Hela (Marvel), Ancient One (Marvel)
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 171 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Follow Me (I Will Follow You) (слэш)

1   25.12.2023    archiveofourown.org   
In many centuries of life, Loki Liesmith has never had a follower like the other gods—until one day, he gains one. A mortal who is brash and bold and hardly believes in gods. He is someone who will change the course of Loki's life in more ways than Loki could have possibly imagined, because devotion can by a dangerous thing, especially when given not just by a mortal to a god, but by a god to his mortal, as well. Автор: STARSdidathing
Фандомы: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Thor (Movies)
Персонажи: Loki/Tony Stark, Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), James "Rhodey" Rhodes
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 83 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Fractures (смешанная)

1   25.12.2023    archiveofourown.org   
The lake house has all the data needed to make a time machine. Pepper knows that and she tries to forget but it hurts sometimes; the loss, the temptation.
She understands that Tony did a good thing but she knows that if he just had the time to prepare earlier...so can Pepper be the bad guy this time?
Автор: MakeItVoid
Фандомы: Iron Man (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Персонажи: Pepper Potts & Tony Stark, Pepper Potts & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) & Tony Stark, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark
Рейтинг: General
Размер: 14 Кб
Статус: Закончен


1   24.12.2023    archiveofourown.org   
So, before you start the story, you should read up about the multiverse and the many iterations of Loki.
There's Thor, Asgard's blond and buff Übermensch, and Odin, the absolute asshole dad of the year, and—uh, let's not get into that yet.
Look, it's a self-insert, she's having an okay(ish) time, and things go from bad to worse. Obviously.
Yeah, yeah, it's cool. Totally cool.
She's fine.
It's fine.
Автор: Watercolor_LionDancer
Фандомы: Thor (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Loki (TV 2021)
Персонажи: Loki & Thor (Marvel), Loki & Odin (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja & Loki (Marvel), Loki & Sif (Marvel)
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 31 Кб
Статус: Закончен

A History of Falling (джен)

1   23.12.2023    archiveofourown.org   
Prince Loki of Asgard fell from the Bifrost and perished. Lukas Eld lives a quiet life amidst his fellow humans, working as a historian for a nondescript museum, and dreaming of the Void at night. When S.H.I.E.L.D. drags him in to an investigation involving magical artifacts ripped from the pages of the mythology he studies, Lukas finds himself torn between the cold ghost of the truth and the living warmth of the lie.
The arrival of Thor does not make things any easier.
Автор: Virgo827
Фандомы: Thor (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Movies)
Персонажи: Loki & Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Various MCU Characters
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 889 Кб
Статус: В процессе

Surviving (слэш)

1   22.12.2023    archiveofourown.org   
After his escape from the dungeons of Asgard, Loki has been doing what he does best: surviving.
And then, he is captured again.
Автор: IronfrostQ
Фандомы: Marvel (Comics), Avengers (Comics), The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Персонажи: Loki/Tony Stark, Loki (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Thor (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Other Avengers
Рейтинг: R
Размер: 130 Кб
Статус: В процессе

Broken Crown (слэш)

1   22.12.2023    archiveofourown.org   
Loki's sentence for his actions in New York have left him a different person. Thor finds his brother in a puddle of his own blood, only to realize that his younger sibling is not what he once was. Is Loki completely innocent? Are the Asgardian's methods of "fixing him" truly justifiable? Thor stays alongside Loki in his journey to recover, realizing that his brother might not have deserved punishment at all. Автор: ghoulruler
Фандом: The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Персонажи: Loki, Thor, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Clint, Iron Man, Odin, Frigga
Рейтинг: R
Размер: 89 Кб
Статус: В процессе

To Be Better (смешанная)

1   22.12.2023    archiveofourown.org   
Peter shakily says, “you need to let me leave.”
“You will,” Tony reasons gently. “You will. Those doors will open the second you calm down.”
The indignation morphs into fierce rage, because “those doors will open the second you input the security override code,” he snaps. Peter may be freaking out right now, but he’s not an idiot – treating him like one isn’t going to make this any bette...>>
Автор: autumdragon
Фандомы: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Персонажи: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Pepper Potts, Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Peter Parker/Gwen Stacy, Matt Murdock, Original Cat Character(s), Claire Temple, Quentin Beck
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 491 Кб
Статус: Закончен

A Loki Scorned (смешанная)

1   21.12.2023    archiveofourown.org   
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, twice fold if she be a mother, but there is no one you can pray to if they be a Loki.
Act I: A Loki Scorned (Chapters 1-6) Complete.
Act II: A Loki Found (Chapters 7-?) In Progress.
Act III: A Loki Loved (Chapters ?-?)
Автор: CountingWithStraws
Фандомы: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Loki (Marvel Comics), Iron Man (Movies), Thor (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Loki (TV 2021), Norse Religion & Lore
Персонажи: Loki/Tony Stark, Loki & Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Loki's Children (Marvel), Loki (Norse Religion & Lore), Þórr | Thor (Norse Religion & Lore), Brynhildr (Norse Religion & Lore), Frigg | Frigga (Norse Religion & Lore), Óðinn | Odin (Norse Religion & Lore), Víðar | Vidar (Norse Religion & Lore), Heimdallr | Heimdall (Norse Religion & Lore)
Рейтинг: R
Размер: 374 Кб
Статус: В процессе

Как Мстители Хогвартс спасали (джен)

0   16.12.2023    archiveofourown.org   
Битва за Хогвартс, и у Гарри есть туз в рукаве. Кто может спасти мир лучше, чем супергерои? Мстители против Пожирателей смерти, финальная схватка. Переводчик: alice_cool
Фандомы: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man (Movies), Captain America (Movies), Thor (Movies)
Персонажи: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Tony Stark, Loki (Marvel), Voldemort (Harry Potter), Thor (Marvel), Severus Snape, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton
Рейтинг: General
Размер: 9 Кб
Статус: Закончен
