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Миры Роберта Хайнлайна

По произведениям Роберта Хайнлайна и их экранизациям

Миры Роберта Хайнлайна

По произведениям Роберта Хайнлайна и их экранизациям

Colonel Colin ("Killer") Campbell, Richard Ames
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A military hero who rescued the students of Percival Lowell Academy from an unspecified danger. Gwen Novak's oldest daughter was one of the students. He was missing a foot; he may have lost it during this mission. While he was a resident of the space station Golden Rule, in the role of writer Richard Ames, he was dragged into a series of events (by Gwen Novak, who eventually revealed that she was really Hazel Meade Stone, sent by the Time Corps to recruit him) that culminated in the mission to travel through time and dimensions to save the computer Mike from being destroyed during the deciding battle of the Lunar Revolution. After surviving the mission he joined the Long family colony on Tellus Tertius. One of his aliases was Richard Campbell.

