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21 мая 2022
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Архитектура и программирование компьютера Texas Instruments TI-99/4a

Поэтому минимально-адекватная конфигурация компьютера, это PEB (Peripheral Expansion Box) — специальная большая корзина для плат расширения, дисковод и расширение памяти 32kb. Либо NanoPEB — современное устройство, включающее всё перечисленное.

К PEB/NanoPEB необходим ещё картридж Editor/Assembler (без которого можно загружать и запускать лишь программы на Бейсике и который заодно содержит упомянутые дополнительные 32kb ОЗУ).
Это устройство втыкается в правый порт компьютера (туда же, куда и синтезатор речи. В т.ч. можно воткнуть его через синтезатор) и эмулирует 32кб дополнительного ОЗУ, три дисковода (на CompactFlash карте) и порт RS-232.

Существует также устройство CF7+, в котором всё тоже самое, но вместо RS-232 имеется параллельный порт Centronics.

Само по себе наличие NanoPEB позволяет загружать лишь программы на Бейсике (а из стандартного TI Бейсика невозможно запустить программу в машинных кодах, если не считать совсем уж грязных и нетривиальных хаков).

Поэтому совершенно необходим ещё картридж Editor/Assembler (EA), втыкаемый в верхний порт. С ним уже можно загружать и запускать нормальные программы. Картридж также ищется на Ebay. Вроде бы, вместо него можно использовать картридж Extended Basic (XB).

Getting Started With the Texas Instruments TI99/4A - (c) Stephen Shaw
http://shawweb.myzen.co.uk/stephen/book9.htm - периферия

[F18A and F18A-MK2 Video Display Processors
The F18A and F18A-MK2 are FPGA implementations of the Texas Instruments TMS-9918A VDP family.|https://dnotq.io/f18a/f18a.html]
По ссылке из https://stuartconner.me.uk/ti/ti.htm

Powertran Cortex

The Powertran Cortex is a 16-bit TMS 9995-based computer that was available in the UK between about December 1982 and early 1985. The computer could be bought in kit or ready-built forms, and its design was serialised in the Electronics Today International (ETI) magazine between November 1982 and January 1983. Further articles appeared in subsequent issues describing various interface circuits.

The computer was manufactured by Powertran Cybernetics Ltd who were based in Andover, Hampshire, UK.

The Cortex was developed by TI employees Tony Rowell, Jim Gill, Neil Quarmby, Colin Hinson and Ian White. Tony recalled on a forum dedicated to the system:

"The Cortex came about as an extension of a group of us at TI trying to build ourselves a home computer out of 'scrap', remember that at the time a home computer was somewhere between non-existant and insanely expensive. We started of by taking faulty Viewdata boards (sort of Teletext over a dial-up modem) based on the TMS 9980. When the TMS 9995 came out we started looking at building something around that. At that time TI had a minicomputer division (990/12 etc.) and a home computer division (99/4A) with lots of internal politics to ensure that the home computer didn't tread on the minicomputer dept toes so to speak. We however worked for the semiconductor division and just wanted to build something and management just wanted to sell chips. The semiconductor division building a home computer was a big no-no, it would have been stomped on by both the home computer division and the minicomputer division so we had unofficial encouragement to go ahead with the design and the way to 'get it out' was ETI (as long as there was no direct connection to TI). Powertran simply made the kits and sold it. Jim Gill and myself did the BASIC (based on one from TI [TI Power BASIC] but mostly rewritten), Colin Hinson did the debug monitor, Neil Quarmby did the schematics and floppy boot code and Ian White did hardware prototyping and 'resourcing'."

The Cortex underwent a facelift around August 1984 into a new slimline case, with a revised PCB which included all the modifications that had accrued since the Cortex was originally published. The disk drives, which were originally fitted in the Cortex case, were now housed in an external enclosure. The revised system was known as the Cortex II.

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21 мая 2022

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