22 января 2021
Уста Саурона
Внутренние противоречия разбивают каждый фичок ГХА, да. Вот именно таким образом. В среднем, в нашей школе за год двенадцать человек насилуют, троих калечат, одного превращают в овощ и в среднем двое... гибнут "Every 11 seconds in Moonbeam City, 10,000 people get shot. 8,000 people get stabbed. 2,000 people get stabbed, then fall into a bucket of knives and guns which stab and shoot them. 300 people get shot... with Novocaine... so it's less painful when their teeth get stabbed. 80 people get stabbed by a knife shot from a gun. Some call this "getting shabbed". Of course, these facts are incomplete, because every second, 90 statisticians get shot" (c) 5 |