Я запостил это потому что это неплохая аллюзия на индукцию Соломонова, dovetailing, universal prior
Note that an observer A evolving in one of the universes computed by FAST might decide to build a machine that simulates all possible computable universes using FAST, and so on, recursively. Interestingly, this will not necessarily cause a dramatic exponential slowdown: if the n-th discrete time step of A's universe (compare Example 1.1) is computable within O(n) time then A's simulations can be as fast as the ``original'' simulation, save for a constant factor. In this sense a ``Great Programmer'' [#!Schmidhuber:97brauer!#] who writes a program that runs all possible universes would not be superior to certain nested Great Programmers inhabiting his universes. (c) Jürgen Schmidhuber