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Tex breathed out another little sigh of relief. So far, the meeting had been going better than he'd expected.

"Why don't you tell me a little about yourself?" he asked.

"Because I don't want to."

With a tiny scoff, Tex cocked his head and let his cheek rest against his fist.

"I am from Japan." Junji followed.

"How'd you come across my flyer?" Tex asked.

"I follow the tetragramming subreddit. Your flyer was posted there."

"Uh, why?"

"I do not approve of tetragramming."

Tex supposed it was a fair response.

"Hope you don't mind me for asking, but why do you speak English?" he questioned.

"Business reasons. I am--I was a businessman."

"What kinda business?"

"Political business."

"Yakuza business?"

Junji blinked twice.

"No." he replied.

With his head still cocked, Tex stuck a toothpick in his mouth and bore his eyes into Junji's.

"You, uh...got any qualifications?" asked Tex.

Junji's eyes flashed down towards the hands folded in his lap before he gave a response.

"I am very punctual." Junji answered.


"I excel at economic literacy, physical combat, and performing thought experiments."

"Physical combat, huh?"


"That you picked up in the Yakuza?

Junji blinked twice more.

"No." he replied.

Junji continued to stare. Tex let out a tiny sigh of defeat.

"How about weaknesses?" Tex continued. "Got any of those?"

Junji's eyebrows came together in what resembled deep thought. He was silent for long enough for Tex to grow confused, and eventually anxious.

"This question is too vague." Junji finally stated.

Tex let out a brief chuckle after deciding that Junji had a point.

"Yeah, and it ain't really that important, neither." Tex replied. "How about this. There anything I should know?"

Junji's eyebrows came back together into intense introspection, but Tex stopped him before he could get too far.

"Being ex-Yakuza is something that I would wanna know about." Tex followed.

"I am not from the Yakuza."

"Look, I can see all them tattoos through your shirt."

Quickly, Junji looked down at the fabric of his shirt. He tightened the left sleeve against his arm and widened his eyes as the red and black ink made itself seen.

"I am from the Yakuza." Junji stated.
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