Dark Magic changes a person. What lines do you cross to kill Voldemort? What do you give up to save the world? And how do you live afterwards? Starts off VERY dark and gets lighter; some sex & torture. Hermione-centric story; slooowly develops into Dramione. The wait is worth it, though; promise. 1 yr post Battle of Hogwarts.
Примечания автора: Rated Mature for violence and future sexual situations. This is mainly a Hermione-centric fic; it starts off Hermione/Ron, and will progress to Hermione/Draco. The progression is long, however, as this is Hermione's story, and not just a Dramione piece. I'm not going to Weasley bash, and I'm going to keep the characters as true to life as possible (in other words, Hermione doesn't turn into a sex goddess and Draco doesn't become a Hufflepuff). It's almost 1 year after the Battle of Hogwarts; everything remains as in Deathly Hallows, but Voldemort didn't die.