Kitties and Crowns (слэш)
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Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Harry Potter/Voldemort, Harry Potter/Tom Riddle, Albus Dumbledore, Horace Slughorn, Armando Dippet, OC Side Characters - Character, Baby Death Eaters, Other characters from that era, Billy Stubbs, Orphan Matron Cole, Other orphans and matrons, Harry's Muggle Father, Abraxas Malfoy, Orphanage priest
Not Time Travel, School Life, Child Abuse, Starts off pretty happy but later chapters get dark, NOT Evil Harry, Just normal kids being kids, They both Top and Bottom, Sex, Smut, blowjob, Anal, Rape/Non-con Elements, F/F Background Relationship, Abuse and Healing, Complete
29.09.2014 — 20.03.2015
Fifth year Harry Potter was known only for being the outcast, mudblood of Slytherin and also an immense bookworm, While sixth year Tom Riddle was of course the most popular kid in school. Harry however had never much liked Riddle, watching him like a hawk and waiting for him to do something suspicious, he was probably the only kid in school who would not bow down at Riddles feet, and mostly not worth the effort to force him to do so. Which is surprising seeing as Harry has a HUGE secret crush on him. So what is in store for these two very different yet so very alike boys?
An AU in which Harry Potter is a muggleborn in the same era as Tom Riddle, No time-travel involved.
Последнее обновление: 21 августа 2019.
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