Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Thor, Pepper Potts, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Janet Van Dyne, Wanda Maximoff, Carol Danvers, Sam Wilson, Phil Coulson, I guess Hank Pym'll show up, maybe - Character
Identity Porn, Likely will contain very little porn, Mistaken Identity, The Avengers are gossipy old biddies, Everyone knows it, Humor, Bets & Wagers, Jealous Steve, but in the best possible way
560 Кб
26.04.2014 — 24.08.2016
Steve Rogers has plenty of friends. He just doesn't know two of them are the same man. That's just how Tony Stark/Iron Man likes it. Until he comes to regret it.
Примечания автора: Slight comic/movie canon fusion. For years, in the comics, Iron Man was in fact the secret identity of Tony Stark, who passed the Armored Avenger off as a bodyguard. It is as stupid and credibility stretching as you imagine it is, and it is fantastic. This story assumes that Tony did take advantage of Coulson’s “Iron Man is a body guard” alibi, and because of that, Natasha was not being sent to work undercover at StarkIndustries. Coulson knows, and Fury knows. None of the Avengers know that Tony Stark, who owns Avengers Tower where they live and have their headquarters, is also Iron Man, who often fights alongside them. Tony’s Arc Reactor is not public knowledge, and he’s used a variety of methods to hide it, and give the illusion that Iron Man is a different person. Pepper, Happy and Rhodey, of course, know the truth. I like women, so we’re adding some to the ranks. BECAUSE NEEDS MORE LADIES.
Горячая сцена. Первый раз. Он и она. Снарри. Что вам еще надо знать, чтобы бежать читать эту работу? Разве что то, что написана она прекрасно.