It's the start of sixth year and Harry is consumed by regrets and frustrations - feeling utterly unprepared for his supposed destiny as 'savior of the wizarding world', now that he finally knows the truth about the Prophecy. He can't help but wish that he'd taken his studies more seriously in the previous five years, and wonders how much more prepared he'd be, if he had. Then he learns about a lost artifact called the Mirror of Paths that offers one the opportunity to both see what they would have been like, had they taken a different path, but also gain the knowledge of this alternate version of themselves. Hoping to gain the knowledge from a Harry Potter, sorted into Ravenclaw, he goes after it. But the mirror doesn't let you choose what you want - it chooses for you and the Harry he meets in the Mirror is a Harry Potter that accepted the Hat's first verdict and went into Slytherin. Harry gains his counterparts knowledge, but he seems to gain a lot more than he bargained for. Just what unforeseen consequences will arise from his rash action? - Warning - story discontinued. Part of my series of Abandoned Plot Bunnies. Story is up for adoption. Discontinued/Abandoned Story.
Когда я въехал во вторую общагу, там на люстре висело что-то странное и красное. Я не понял, но добрые люди подсказали мне, что есть примета: надо повесить на люстру красные трусы - это к деньгам. В приметы я не верю, но именно там деньги начали появляться.
А теперь история и #хроники_ссыкливого_кота
Я повесил на кухне красные трусы на спот по приколу ещё до нового года, кек. Вчера Кокос, наконец, их увидел. Сидел такой, решил зевнуть, увидел эту хрень и так и остался сидеть с открытым ртом. Трусы на люстре сбили бедолаге зевок. Иногда я думаю, что очень здорово, что он кот и не умеет говорить. А то я бы это не вывез.