Harry Potter/Severus Snape, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Minerva McGonagall/Poppy Pomfrey, Albus Dumbledore, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Original Characters
Evil Dumbledore, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Past Sexual Assault, Graphic Violence, Slash, Torture, Child Abuse, Mage Harry, Seer Harry, emotional Severus, Heir Black and Potter, Sirius is Dead, Drama & Romance, AU after OotP, Dumbledore is not cursed, OOC, Soul Bond, Age Regression/De-Aging, fluff galore!, plot not porn, James and Sirius are jerks
1 642 Кб
12.10.2017 — 09.12.2018
Harry and Severus are thrown together in hiding after Severus is outed as a spy and Harry escapes the Dursleys’. Another prophecy about Harry surfaces, one that’s been around since Merlin, dragging painful, terrifying truths from Dumbledore’s shadow. Together, they set out to destroy the evil hiding in both darkness and light and build a new wizarding society from its ashes. And, through it all, they manage to find a home in each other along the way.
Примечания автора: This is SLASH, so if that isn't your cup of tea, look elsewhere. The major warnings are in the summary. This is a sweet and emotional fic, though it does have some brutal scenes. It’s romance heavy, but not erotica. In other words, if you’re looking for dark and gritty or a slash-fest of gay porn, you’re not going to get it here. This concentrates on the romance and story first, so there will be no straight-up smut. What few sex scenes are present focus on the love and emotional connection between the two characters, not the physicality of the moment. Okay, so having finally written one of those scenes, I think I lied a little bit. There's a smidgen of smut. It's still plot-driven, though, so don't expect it to be 300K words of lead up to the big-bang. This story isn't about the sex, and it goes on long after they finally get busy.Also, fair warning, James and Sirius in this fic are MUCH worse than they were in canon. Lily's not as bad, but here's the thing. Even if I did carry on the assault further than JK did, what James and Sirius did to Severus even in canon is still sexual assault. As a rape survivor, I'm not going to brush that under the rug. I'm not going to downplay it like, unfortunately, JK herself did. Harry's going to figure it out in every story I write. So ... with that said, onto the AU.EXPLANATION OF AU: It’s (mostly) canon up until the beginning of sixth year. Well, besides the fact that Harry is aged up a year to avoid underage issues. (And that will also be true of every Snarry story I write.)The first AU event is that Dumbledore is not cursed by Slytherin’s ring. (This all happens prior to the story’s start, so don’t go looking for it mentioned in much else but flashback.) Also, Harry apologizes to Severus about the pensieve at the start of sixth year, though Severus doesn’t quite believe it. Upon learning of Malfoy’s task to kill Dumbledore, Dumbledore and Severus plan to have Severus ‘kill’ the headmaster with an archaic curse that mimics the effects of the Draught of Living Death. Harry is in on this, as they need a third person to revive the Headmaster and Harry is always right in the thick of things anyway. The Headmaster later drops the bomb on Severus about Harry being a horcrux. Knowing that Harry must die starts the process of tearing the veil of prejudice from Severus’ eyes. He still acts like an ass to Harry, but it’s mostly an act after that. He’s still not a Golden Boy devotee, but he doesn’t hate Harry like he used to. Besides that, the only AU events that happen prior to the story involve Dumbledore’s deceptions, and they’ll be covered in the story. ***AN: I’m writing this while trying to adjust to new, heavy pain meds that affect my cognitive ability and memory and trying to raise a hyperactive 9 month old (He's almost 14 months now. Man, I've been working on this for awhile.). Between side-effect short circuits, pain fog, and mommy brain, my thought process isn’t as coherent as it could be (to say the least)
Звезду серии фильмов «Гарри Поттер» Джейсона Айзекса
спросили, кого бы он хотел сыграть в сериале по мотивам той же вселенной. Беседу с британским артистом опубликовало издание Deadline в социальной сети X.
Журналистка предположила, что сыгравший в оригинальных картинах антагониста Люциуса Малфоя может рассмотреть для себя роль волшебника Салазара Слизерина.
«Я надеюсь вернуться в качестве Гермионы, я уже отправил HBO Max запись на пробы», — пошутил в ответ 61-летний Айзекс.