I Put a Spell on You (слэш)
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Katsuki Yuuri & Victor Nikiforov, Okukawa Minako, Yuri Plisetsky, Nishigori Yuuko, Nishigori Takeshi
Magic, Alternate Universe - Magic, organized magic competitions, Magical Violence, victor is a dog, don't make it weird, all the skaters are magic users, DnD elements, Familiars, Yuri Plisetsky's Potty Mouth, Human Transmutation, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Canon Compliant Pet Death
13.09.2019 — 13.09.2019
Katsuki Yuuri is down on his luck after placing last at the biggest sorcery competition of his life, and in front of his idol, no less! When he wakes up with a hangover in his hotel room, he is shocked to find a blue-eyed, silver haired poodle sleeping at the foot of his bed. Yuuri has no memory of what happened last night, but somehow, he drunkenly transmuted his idol into a standard poodle. The only problem is, transmutation magic is extremely complex, and Yuuri doesn't know how he did it, or how to change the poodle back into a person.
Meanwhile, the world is wondering where the Living Legend of men's sorcery disappeared to after his 5th consecutive Grand Prix Finals win.
Последнее обновление: 14 сентября 2019.
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