Shattered Songs of Faith (смешанная)
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Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd/My Unit | Byleth, Rhea/Sothis (Fire Emblem), Claude von Riegan & Original Character(s), Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd/Original Character(s), Edelgard von Hresvelg, Claude von Regan, Felix Hugo Fraldarius, Bernadetta von Varley, Dedue Molinaro, Ashe Duran | Ashe Ubert, Mercedes von Martritz, Annette Fantine Dominic, Hubert von Vestra, Caspar von Bergliez, Petra Macneary, Dorothea Arnault, Linhardt von Hevring, Ferdinand von Aegir, Lorenz Hellman Gloucester, Hilda Valentine Goneril, Marianne von Edmund, Leonie Pinelli, Ignatz Victor, Lysithea von Ordelia, Raphael Kirsten, Jeralt Reus Eisner, Rhea (Fire Emblem), Flayn (Fire Emblem), Seteth (Fire Emblem), Those Who Slither In The Dark - Character, Original Characters
17.11.2019 — 12.03.2020
Fire Emblem Three Houses AU Story: What if Sothis was with Byleth since their childhood days?
"If only I could touch the stars."
Born sick since day one of her life, Arisa grew mostly in a hospital room. At some point in her life, she got better and was able to live the way she wanted. Freedom, make friends create bonds, travel the world. But that dream to continue living a healthy life was struck down when she turned 23. Her illness came back but much worse, and this time, she would not win the battle.
3 year laters, on her 26th birthday, she passes away in her sleep.
Now, one does not expect to wake up in another body when they die. She did not expect to come to such a world that she had only read and played through technology. What's more, that she wakes up as Female Byleth during her childhood days.
Последнее обновление: 14 марта 2020.
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