Luke Skywalker Is Altogether Too Likable (джен)
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Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader, Firmus Piett & Luke Skywalker, Firmus Piett & Darth Vader, Maximilian Veers
POV Outsider, Piett POV, Father-Son Relationship, Bounty Hunter, Implied/Referenced Torture, implied slavery, Electrocution, Poor Piett, He is not paid enough for this nonsense, Our hero doesn't get away, Luke is a cinnamon roll, Don't copy to another site
29.04.2018 — 13.01.2019
A bounty hunter claims to have caught the empire's most wanted rebel, unfortunately for Admiral Piett, Lord Vader is not in attendence, so he will have to take the call.
Alternatively; the Piett POV story I have amused myself with for several months and that I hope others will also enjoy.
Update: now a chaptered story, just shoot me now
Последнее обновление: 12 декабря 2020.
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