the brightest witch of her age
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Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, (IMPLIED), Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Fleur Delacour, The Weasleys, James Potter
hermione is terrifying, also i gave her some anti-dursleys, Chosen One Hermione, James lives (Lily doesn't)
16.01.2017 — 16.01.2017
When Hermione Jean Granger was one year old her parents died in a car crash. She knew all about it because she asked a lot of questions and her aunt and uncle believed in answering them.
Why is the sky blue, auntie? Why are b's and d's like in the mirror? Where do songs come from? Why did Jenny Hopkins call me a--?
Her father had accelerated into a green light, like you were supposed to. (By the time she was eight, Hermione had the driver's rulebook memorized). A truck driver, going the opposite way, hadn't stopped at a red.
Hermione had been strapped in a car seat in the back, her aunt and uncle told her. She hadn't been hurt at all except for the scar that stood out, jagged, on her forehead.
As Hermione grew up into a gangly, bushy-haired, buck-toothed wonder, she thought she could remember it-- a glaring green light, a rush of cold air.
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