Frigga/Odin, Frigga (Marvel), Odin (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Bestla (Marvel), Sif (Marvel), Heimdall (Marvel), Fandral (Marvel)
Dysfunctional Family, Odin's Good Parenting, Frigga is the HBIC, Teen Thor, Teen Loki, Fantastic Racism, Hate Crimes, Hermaphroditic Jotnar, Internalized racism, Jotun Thor, Jotun Loki, Jotun Odin, gratuitous use of bad old norse, Political Drama, Gender Issues, Self-Acceptance, Long time romance, Odin and Frigga are real sweet with each after years of marriage, Queer Themes, First Love, Family Drama, Extensive World Building, i removed a tag bc it wasn't quite right but there is, Unplanned Pregnancy, in the fic