Three Little Lovebirds0 28.04.2013
As the threat of a Reaper invasion looms over Citadel space, Shepard finds her heart torn between two women in her crew. As she struggles with her personal problems, an agent of her greatest enemy watches, and waits. ParagonFemshep/Tali/Liara. Rated M for sex, gore and language. Starts and is currently in ME1 with plans to include ME2 and ME3 in the future. Slight AU overtones. |
Автор: Cheesesack Фандом: Mass Effect Персонажи: [Shepard (F), Liara T'Soni, Tali'Zorah] Shadow Broker Рейтинг: R Жанры: Romance/Hurt/Comfort Размер: 617 Кб Статус: В процессе |