Lazarus, come forth (джен)1 25.07.2018
Tony's mind is a chaotic mess but he remembers the moment—remembers his death, remembers the red hot pain and Peter screaming, Rhodey rushing to his side. How he knew he’d never see Pepper again—but they’d fixed it. They’d fixed the world, erased the lost time, set things right—and the kid was back. The kid was crying, the kid hated him for doing what he did, but he was back. He was alive. To...>>ny Stark was dead. But now he’s breathing again, trying to think, gasping, hands tracing the box surrounding him, covering him, suffocating him. He’s in a coffin. He’s under the ground. He’s under the fucking ground. (Tony Stark dies defeating Thanos. But then he comes back to life. He has to find out how, why, and how to live again. And how to deal with the changes in the people he's coming back to.) |
Автор: iron_spider Фандомы: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Iron Man (Movies) Персонажи: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Tony Stark & Avengers Team, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark, Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, Happy Hogan & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Natasha Romanov, Peter Parker & Avengers Team, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, May Parker (Spider-Man), Thor (Marvel), Stephen Strange Рейтинг: PG-13 Размер: 265 Кб Статус: Закончен |
Deception At Its Finest (слэш)1 25.07.2018
Loki is working with the Avengers as part of his punishment for the attack on Jotunheim. He's utterly disgusted by the latest mission they want him to undergo; turn into a cat and infiltrate Anthony's Stark's lair? How utterly degrading. |
Автор: STARSdidathing Фандомы: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Thor (Movies) Персонажи: Loki/Tony Stark, Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Jarvis (Iron Man movies), Nick Fury, Odin (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel) Рейтинг: PG-13 Размер: 55 Кб Статус: Закончен |
Collateral Damage (слэш)2 22.07.2018
Many years have passed since the great battle of Hogwarts, and Harry's life has only gotten worse. Of course, he had imagined that after the battle ended, everything would go back to normal; at least, as normal as possible. But it wasn't long until the Ministry was taken over by yet more evil, dark, corrupt wizards. Wizards who wanted Harry out of the picture. After a series of unfortunate events,...>> Harry is left on the run. Running from both the ministry and himself, it seemed. He has nowhere to go, and year after year passes by. He doesn't want to live like this anymore. He wants something better for himself; he wants the life that he once had. Being compared to Voldemort takes it's toll though, and the wizarding world no longer looks upon the boy who lived with wonder. They look upon him with disgust, with suspicious eyes and wands at the ready. He is an outcast in the only place he could call home. Stories about him are riddled with evil and lies, being passed down from generation to generation. But it all changes when a storm above London, England, at 9:46 am on August 13th, brings an outsider to earth, a powerful sorcerer with shoulder length black hair and and charming yet somehow malicious smile. |
Автор: Cas_tellations Фандомы: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe Персонажи: Loki (Marvel)/Harry Potter, Loki (Marvel) & Harry Potter, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Thor (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Clint Barton Рейтинг: R Размер: 446 Кб Статус: Закончен |
Never Doubt (джен)1 22.07.2018
Before the coronation and the mess on Jotunheim, Loki only wanted to read in the garden and ignore Thor's latest temper tantrum. His mother called to him, but he knew what she wanted: Loki, fix it. |
Автор: tirsynni Фандомы: Thor (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Персонажи: Loki & Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel) Рейтинг: General Размер: 11 Кб Статус: Закончен |
Impressions revisited1 21.07.2018
Another installment of my playing in the background of andromyntra's series Bringing up Spidey This one is picking up shortly after the Battle of Sokovia and explores what happened in the year before Peter was brought in. This part of the series will feature Clint's wife and children (as should be clear from the tags). Again be warned that this is a world where spanking is common and widely accepted. |
Автор: Laranida Фандомы: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Персонажи: Clint Barton/Laura Barton, Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton & Pietro Maximoff & Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanova, Steve Rogers Рейтинг: PG-13 Размер: 70 Кб Статус: В процессе |
Отпусти Призрака (слэш)1 21.07.2018
Они были счастливы вместе, и год сложился для них удачно. Они думали, что их ничто не сможет разлучить. Они ошибались. |
Автор: Saysly Фандомы: Captain America (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types Персонажи: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov, Tony Stark Рейтинг: NC-17 Размер: 109 Кб Статус: Закончен |
Seeking Solace (джен)1 20.07.2018
Obadiah REALLY should have checked the Tower before locking Tony in it. At the very least he should have made sure the previous owner hadn't been a wizard. |
Автор: BrightEyesIllusionist Фандомы: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Iron Man (Movies) Персонажи: Tony Stark, Obadiah Stane, Dummy (Iron Man movies), Butterfingers (Iron Man movies), You (Iron Man movies), Jarvis (Iron Man movies) Рейтинг: PG-13 Размер: 11 Кб Статус: Закончен |
Nor an Evil Tongue Bewitch (слэш)0 19.07.2018
The thing about kisses is that they always come at the end of the story. Steve's life has had an awful lot of endings. |
Автор: WhenasInSilks Фандомы: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Captain America (Movies) Персонажи: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Рейтинг: PG-13 Размер: 24 Кб Статус: Закончен |
И я знаю, что это убьет меня (слэш)1 19.07.2018
– Ты разовьешь у меня рефлекс Павлова на слова «в следующий раз», – хрипло говорит Питер. Тони кривится. – Гуманитарным наукам не место в моей спальне, – он скрещивает руки на груди. – Если собираешься называть имя какого-то другого парня, хотя бы выбери того, кого я уважаю. Питер закатывает глаза. – Ньютон, – предлагает он. Тони кивает. – Приемлемо. |
Переводчик: SpiritHallows Фандомы: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) Персонажи: Peter Parker/Tony Stark Рейтинг: NC-17 Размер: 33 Кб Статус: Закончен |
The Arcane Heart (слэш)1 19.07.2018
Hello friends, this was a prompt from a reader that I have since lost, but the idea stuck in my mind. Hope you all like it! Before Thor's coronation, before Loki fell from the bifrost, before he found out his heritage, Loki was second prince of Asgard, studious, diligent, sure of himself and his place in the world. In a seedy marketplace, he finds the last thing he expected. His familiar, in the form of a kidnapped mortal - Tony Stark. (I will tag as the story progresses and warn in the notes of any important changes in tagging) |
Автор: EndlessStairway Фандомы: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Персонажи: Loki/Tony Stark, Thor, Frigga, Odin, Original Characters, Pepper Potts, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Happy Hogan, Stephen Strange Рейтинг: R Размер: 193 Кб Статус: В процессе |
Butterfly Effect. (слэш)1 18.07.2018
Avengers Infinity War AU where Heimdall chooses to send Loki to earth instead of Hulk. |
Автор: Michaelssw0rd Фандомы: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Персонажи: Loki/Tony Stark, Loki (Marvel), Eitri (Marvel), Thanos (Marvel) Рейтинг: R Размер: 105 Кб Статус: Закончен |
Touch of Love (джен)1 18.07.2018
The Avengers are finally living in the Tower, but for some reason they're all avoiding Tony and he doesn't know why. |
Автор: BrightEyesIllusionist Фандомы: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Iron Man (Movies) Персонажи: Tony Stark, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Thor (Marvel) Рейтинг: General Размер: 15 Кб Статус: Закончен |
Unpacking (джен)1 17.07.2018
A follow-up to Out of Time, Out of Space. Heimdall and Loki arrive on Earth. Unfortunately, nothing is as easy to unpack as it is to stow away. |
Автор: Infinite_Monkeys Фандомы: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies) Персонажи: Loki & Thor (Marvel), Heimdall & Loki (Marvel), Heimdall (Marvel), Tony Stark, Nick Fury, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Korg of Krona, Miek (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Ebony Maw, Hulk (Marvel) Рейтинг: PG-13 Размер: 62 Кб Статус: Закончен |
Out of Darkness there is Light (смешанная)1 17.07.2018
Loki, battered adopted son of Odin is captured by the Avengers and resigns himself to whatever punishment awaits him on return to the realm he once thought was his home. Enter an insomniac billionaire that sees something no one else does. Can his sharp wit and lethal tongue save the God of Mischief from a fate he doesn't deserve? If he can save him, what then? Is he still an enemy or could h...>>e be turned to the side of good? Can a snarky God known for his silvertongue and lies really be trusted to become an ally to Earth? Tony Stark is going to find out. ThIs fic takes place immediately after the Avengers Assemble movie and Iron Man 1 & 2. COMPLETE! |
Автор: Rouko Фандомы: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Thor (Movies), Iron Man (Movies) Персонажи: Loki/Tony Stark, Clint Barton/Laura Barton/Natasha Romanov, Jarvis (Iron Man movies), Pepper Potts, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Odin (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Hawkeye (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Hulk (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Nick Fury, Phil Coulson, Maria Hill Рейтинг: NC-17 Размер: 365 Кб Статус: Закончен |
Glinda the Good Witch (слэш)1 15.07.2018
“Very well, boss. What should we call this new suit, then?” Rubbing his chin, Tony thought about it. He looked to Loki, but Loki only motioned a hand to him and told him that it was his decision. Eyes lighting up, Tony announced, “Let’s call it Maleficent!” “Oh, Norns…” Loki rubbed his hand against his forehead. “Okay, then how ‘bout Elphaba?!” “Boss, if I may, why not Glinda the Good Witch?” |
Автор: Briana_Dubs Фандомы: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man (Movies), Thor (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Персонажи: Loki/Tony Stark, Loki & Tony Stark, Friday (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Mentioned Odin, mentioned Thor, Mentioned Pepper Pots, Random aliens Рейтинг: PG-13 Размер: 31 Кб Статус: Закончен |
The Badger Manoeuvre (слэш)1 14.07.2018
Loki had never really been the type to put his own life on the line for the sake of the universe, but in recent years he’s found something that’s worth fighting for. Separated from his new home by the force of circumstance, he’s going to have to face his fears if he’s to have even a chance of saving that which he holds most dear. |
Автор: NamelesslyNightlock Фандомы: Thor (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Персонажи: Loki/Tony Stark, Loki & Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Sif (Marvel), Fandral (Marvel), Heimdall (Marvel), Eitri (Marvel) Рейтинг: PG-13 Размер: 135 Кб Статус: Закончен |
The Flames are all Long Gone, but the Pain Lingers on (слэш)1 14.07.2018
It's time they fixed what happened. Otherwise known as: the team up that no one expected. |
Автор: TinyButFierce Фандомы: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Персонажи: Loki/Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Loki (Marvel), Nebula (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, SHIELD Agents & Staff, Frigga (Marvel), Sif (Marvel), Peter Quill, Mantis (Marvel), Thanos (Marvel), Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Gamora (Marvel) Рейтинг: PG-13 Размер: 58 Кб Статус: Закончен |
Приманка (слэш)6 13.07.2018
Вводные данные: Один Саша Морозов — всемирно известный наемный убийца, кодовое имя Зимний Солдат, бывший оперативник Гидры, занявшийся фрилансом пять лет назад Один Стив Роджерс, Капитан Америка — недавно размороженное национальное достояние и Мститель Один контракт на убийство Одна сцена, известная в шпионских кругах как «ловля на живца» Ожидаемый результат: Один Зимний Солдат, отправленный под стражу и выдавший имя своего нанимателя Достигнутый результат: Определенно не тот, который ожидался |
Автор: Saysly Фандомы: Captain America (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Персонажи: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, OC's, Natasha Romanov, Tony Stark Рейтинг: NC-17 Размер: 728 Кб Статус: Закончен |
Ghoul (джен)0 13.07.2018
Returning after three years of training and torture, she finds her mother dead and house destroyed. She also finds that her father is the billionaire superhero Tony Stark. With those she escaped from inching closer, she struggles to hide her nature, and control the beast inside her. (Also available on fanfiction . net ) |
Автор: deadk_aneki Фандомы: Tokyo Ghoul, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Персонажи: Ghouls (Tokyo Ghoul) - Character, Original Female Character(s), Original Non-Human Character(s), Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Nick Fury, Maria Hill Рейтинг: NC-17 Размер: 92 Кб Статус: В процессе |
Misbehavior (смешанная)0 13.07.2018
Tony Stark wasn't popular among his peers. He was just the spoiled rich kid who had his life handed to him on a silver platter, without a trouble in the world. Oh how wrong they were... OR An Avengers High-School AU where Tony is abused by Howard and no one seems to notice |
Автор: kurochhi Фандомы: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Персонажи: Tony Stark & Avengers Team, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added, Howard Stark, Edwin Jarvis, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Maria Stark, Thor (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Other Character Tags to Be Added, Justin Hammer Рейтинг: PG-13 Размер: 250 Кб Статус: В процессе |