A Serpent's Plea (смешанная)1 08.03.2025
After the battle of New York, Loki had been transferred to Asgardian prison, where he contemplates escape. Meanwhile on earth, a certain Midgard Serpent appears in The Avengers Tower to ask a certain group of heroes for help. |
Автор: Avrootae Фандомы: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Norse Religion & Lore Персонажи: Loki & Thor (Marvel), Loki & Loki's Children (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Jörmungandr | Jormungand | Midgard Serpent (Norse Religion & Lore), Fenrisúlfr | Fenrir (Norse Religion & Lore), Hel | Hela (Norse Religion & Lore), Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Odin (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Frigg | Frigga (Norse Religion & Lore), Nick Fury Рейтинг: PG-13 Размер: 289 Кб Статус: В процессе |
The Thorn in His Side (слэш)1 20.10.2024
Earlier that morning, Loki had cast a spell of silence over Thor’s room at the inn, and they had kissed until their mouths were swollen, fucked until Loki’s throat was raw with voiceless cries. “What is on your mind, Loki,” Sif asked him, challenge in the tilt of her jaw, the glint of her eyes. “Dragons.” Loki gave her a false smile. “On yours?” “Traitors.” “Does that work often? Do people confess to absurd crimes after you throw wild accusations at them?” ** In which Sif is in (almost) every scene when Loki would have preferred her to be in none. |
Автор: Bottan Фандомы: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies), Norse Religion & Lore Персонажи: Loki/Thor (Marvel), Loki & Sif (Marvel), Sif & Thor (Marvel), Loki & Warriors Three (Marvel), Loki (Marvel) Рейтинг: PG-13 Размер: 66 Кб Статус: Закончен |
The Bond Between Us (слэш)1 14.09.2024
Loki's down on his luck and an omega who works all hours of the day to keep his shitty apartment. At night... He does things that he isn't proud of to survive. Contrastingly, Thor's a lonely construction worker with regressed social skills and no family to call his own. A unique research study approaches them with the chance to restart their lives and live the way they've always dreamed it in the hopes of gaining a soulmate. Can they beat the odds? |
Автор: Nyna_Rollins Фандомы: Norse Religion & Lore, Thor (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types Персонажи: Loki/Thor (Marvel), Loki & Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Jane Foster (Marvel), Other Character Tags to Be Added Рейтинг: R Размер: 304 Кб Статус: Закончен |
I Don't Want You To Pretend Anymore (слэш)1 14.09.2024
Thor is the worst liar in existence. After receiving the news that his best friend is getting married, Thor panics when he's asked who he'll be bringing as his plus one, and immediately says the name of his omega assistant Loki, falling deeper and deeper into a hole that he dug for himself when everyone in Thor's life suddenly demands to meet the "love of his life". Suddenly, Loki is in ...>>every part of Thor's life -even the parts Thor wished he wasn't- and as time goes on he finds himself caring deeply for the intrepid assistant who went along with his lie. Call him crazy, but... there was just something about Loki that drew him in, the deeper they fell into this lie. And somewhere along the way, Thor realized that he didn't want them to pretend anymore. |
Автор: Nyna_Rollins Фандомы: Norse Religion & Lore, Thor (Movies), Thor - All Media Types Персонажи: Loki/Thor (Marvel), Loki/Thor, Loki & Thor (Marvel), Loki & Thor, Loki (Norse Religion & Lore), Loki (Marvel), Þórr | Thor (Norse Religion & Lore), Frigg | Frigga (Norse Religion & Lore), Frigga (Marvel), Óðinn | Odin (Norse Religion & Lore), Odin (Marvel), Freyr | Frey (Norse Religion & Lore), Gerðr | Gerd (Norse Religion & Lore), Hermóðr | Hermod (Norse Religion & Lore), Höðr | Hodr | Hod (Norse Religion & Lore), Baldr | Baldur (Norse Religion & Lore), Original Characters, Laufey (Norse Religion & Lore), Farbauti (Marvel), Helblindi (Norse Religion & Lore), Býleistr | Byleist (Norse Religion & Lore) Рейтинг: R Размер: 777 Кб Статус: Закончен |
As Strange As Fate (слэш)2 30.08.2024
Facing the owner of Stark Tower, Loki had not expected that throwing a measly mortal out of his own window would be this hard. Impossible, even. This whole situation was excruciating. Curse the Norns! It was all the fault of Lady Fate! (Soulmate fic. Eventual Tony/Loki, I swear) |
Автор: LoreenaLaufeyson Фандомы: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, The Avengers - Ambiguous Fandom, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies), Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), Norse Religion & Lore, Captain America (Movies) Персонажи: Loki/Tony Stark, Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Nick Fury, Frigga (Marvel), Sif (Marvel), Volstagg (Marvel), Hogun (Marvel), Fandral (Marvel), Sigyn, Phil Coulson, Melinda May, Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz, James Rhodes, Pepper Potts, Arnim Zola Рейтинг: R Размер: 1 401 Кб Статус: В процессе |
Like Ships That Collide in the Night (слэш)1 12.07.2024
“Do you not remember the prophecy? The serpent has awoken! You need to leave here, now!” He batted a grenade as well as a couple of arrows out of the sky, not sparing a look for Thor’s idiot companions. “You speak of fairy tales,” Thor managed, catching himself on the metal hull of the airplane, cape and hair whipping in the wind. Loki opened his mouth to let him know how much of an idio...>>t he was. His voice died in his throat as he was hit by another shock wave of fate. The Norns’ tapestry was torn asunder and woven anew. ** Or: The one where Tony Stark turns into the Midgard serpent and Loki has to save his brother from himself. |
Автор: Bottan Фандомы: Thor (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Norse Religion & Lore Персонажи: Loki/Tony Stark, Loki & Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Jörmungandr | Jormungand | Midgard Serpent (Norse Religion & Lore) Рейтинг: NC-17 Размер: 75 Кб Статус: Закончен |
Winters Eight (All Teeth: Part II) (джен)1 06.06.2024
Loki did not choose to be a woman. And when Odin sends her on an information gathering mission on some featureless, dark rock in outer space, she wonders whether it's mostly to get her out of sight at Asgard's court. At any other time, in any other setting, this might have felt like a game of infiltration and daring adventure. As is, her host on Myrkheim is the very Dwarf responsible for unleashing that damned oath on her -- and saddling her with the eldritch horror growing in her womb. |
Автор: Bottan Фандомы: Thor (Movies), Norse Religion & Lore Персонажи: Loki & Thor (Marvel), Loki & Sif (Marvel), Loki & Odin (Marvel), Sif & Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel) Рейтинг: PG-13 Размер: 66 Кб Статус: Закончен |
I reign with my left hand, I rule with my right (смешанная)2 01.04.2024
When Loki is brought before Odin for his sentencing, he is rendered mortal, seemingly sentenced to carry out the same punishments as his brother. Except the All-Father hardly had fairness in mind when choosing the sentence, nor does Loki himself plan to play along with the old man's schemes lying down. What everyone seemed to recently forget was that Loki was a trickster. They called him a che...>>at, a liar, a manipulator as a way to insult him, forgetting what being those things truly meant. If he had to find a way to break the All-Father's bindings from himself and at the same time hide from SHIELD, the Avengers and Asgard itself, all the while pulling all of their strings from the shadows to position them and prepare against the Mad Titan's inevitable arrival, he shall do it at all costs, in style and in just the perfect way to stick to the old man. He was Loki and it was high time he reminded everyone what exactly that meant. |
Автор: Ancient_Evil Фандомы: Thor (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Norse Religion & Lore Персонажи: Loki & Odin (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja & Loki (Marvel), Loki & Thor (Marvel), Loki/Tony Stark, Hel & Loki, Hel & Sigyn, Loki & Sigyn (Norse Religion & Lore), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Hel | Hela (Norse Religion & Lore), Angrboða | Angerboda (Norse Religion & Lore) Рейтинг: PG-13 Размер: 260 Кб Статус: В процессе |
To Quell a Lying Tongue (джен)1 16.02.2024
In this alternate timeline, Loki never falls into the void, never meets the wrath of The Other, and is never sent by the Mad Titan to wreak havoc on Midgard. Instead, he is caught right before he can fall, before he can let go. Now, as Thor comes to terms with the loss of his younger brother, a disheveled Loki must face those he’s wronged without his most trusted weapon: his voice. |
Автор: jupiter_dream Фандомы: Thor (Movies), Norse Religion & Lore, Marvel Cinematic Universe Персонажи: Loki & Thor (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja & Loki & Odin & Thor (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja/Odin (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Warriors Three (Marvel), Sif (Marvel) Рейтинг: R Размер: 63 Кб Статус: В процессе |
A Mother's Love (джен)1 05.02.2024
What if Loki had been adopted as a child instead of an infant? Sort of a fix-it AU where good things happen. Some angsty chapters, but mostly sweet, fluffy chapters. Previously published on Fanfiction.net years ago. |
Автор: queenofthegoatsstuff Фандомы: Thor (Movies), Norse Religion & Lore Персонажи: Loki & Thor (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja & Loki & Odin & Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Odin (Marvel), Sif (Marvel), Fandral (Marvel), Volstagg (Marvel), Hogun (Marvel), Sigyn (Marvel) Рейтинг: PG-13 Размер: 97 Кб Статус: Закончен |
Falling Into you (слэш)1 23.01.2024
Loki is a recently divorced single mother of 4 who is struggling to come to terms with the end of his marriage and cracking under the pressure of keeping it all together for his kids. Thor, who is also divorced, is doing his best to ensure that his 3 children don't hate their mother, but finding little to no success at keeping the peace between them. So when the stars align and bring Thor and Loki back into each other's lives again, the pair quickly realize that to each other, they were the ones that got away. And they're not too keen on letting each other get away again. |
Автор: Nyna_Rollins Фандомы: Thor (Movies), Norse Religion & Lore Персонажи: Loki/Thor (Marvel), Loki & Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Jane Foster (Marvel), Angrboða | Angerboda (Norse Religion & Lore), Sleipnir (Norse Religion & Lore), Jörmungandr | Jormungand | Midgard Serpent (Norse Religion & Lore), Fenrisúlfr | Fenrir (Norse Religion & Lore), Hel | Hela (Norse Religion & Lore), Þrúðr | Thrud (Norse Religion & Lore), Móði | Modi (Norse Religion & Lore), Magni (Norse Religion & Lore) Рейтинг: R Размер: 358 Кб Статус: Закончен |
A Loki Scorned (смешанная)1 21.12.2023
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, twice fold if she be a mother, but there is no one you can pray to if they be a Loki. Act I: A Loki Scorned (Chapters 1-6) Complete. Act II: A Loki Found (Chapters 7-?) In Progress. Act III: A Loki Loved (Chapters ?-?) |
Автор: CountingWithStraws Фандомы: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Loki (Marvel Comics), Iron Man (Movies), Thor (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Loki (TV 2021), Norse Religion & Lore Персонажи: Loki/Tony Stark, Loki & Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Loki's Children (Marvel), Loki (Norse Religion & Lore), Þórr | Thor (Norse Religion & Lore), Brynhildr (Norse Religion & Lore), Frigg | Frigga (Norse Religion & Lore), Óðinn | Odin (Norse Religion & Lore), Víðar | Vidar (Norse Religion & Lore), Heimdallr | Heimdall (Norse Religion & Lore) Рейтинг: R Размер: 374 Кб Статус: В процессе |
The Secrets of Asgard (смешанная)1 07.11.2023
Balder took a seat next to Thor at a large table in the middle of the Tavern. He had been keeping an eye on Loki but he has since slipped his gaze. He had learned a long time ago that Loki was a master at not being seen. If he didn’t want to be found there was no possibility of finding him so Balder tried not to worry. He decided to try to just enjoy the day; he could momentarily forget the troubl...>>ing memories. Thor’s stories were helpful in this despite the fact he was adamantly telling stories of his own battles within the war. Thor wasn’t all that good at storytelling but he made for it with enthusiasm and popularity. Everyone loved to hear Thor loudly tell stories with elaborate hand gestures and the occasional broken chair. Loki is finally given a purpose. Something that made them feel powerful after years of insecurity. Though their glory is interrupted by their three older brothers who all have very mixed opinions on the situation. They all have one goal in mind though; hit their sibling upside the head. Hopefully they will able to knock some sense into Loki and make them see the error in their ways. Maybe then they could comfort their formerly lost sibling without getting stabbed. |
Автор: WeirdDude54 Фандомы: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Norse Religion & Lore, Thor (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Loki (TV 2021) Персонажи: Loki & Thor (Marvel), Balder & Loki (Marvel), Loki & Víðar | Vidar (Norse Religion & Lore), Balder & Thor (Marvel), Balder & Vidar (Norse Religion & Lore), Vidar & Thor, Avengers Team Members & Loki (Marvel), Bruce Banner/Thor, Jane Foster/Thor, Balder (Marvel), Vidar (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Heimdall (Marvel), Other Marvel Characters, Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Shuri (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Warriors Three (Marvel), Sif (Marvel), Jane Foster (Marvel) Рейтинг: PG-13 Размер: 89 Кб Статус: Закончен |
Masquerade (смешанная)1 19.10.2023
Masquerade (verb): to assume the appearance of something one is not After a mission goes horribly wrong, the masqueraded past comes back to haunt Loki and Thor. Are the bonds of friendship, family and brotherhood strong enough to withstand the horrors of the past, or will the house of Odin crumble once more under the weight of its secrets and deception? |
Автор: HelenaAzure Фандомы: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies), Norse Religion & Lore Персонажи: Loki/Svadilfari (Marvel), Loki/Svaðilfari | Svadilfari (Norse Religion & Lore), Loki & Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Frigg | Frigga (Norse Religion & Lore), Odin (Marvel), Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Sleipnir (Marvel) Рейтинг: General Размер: 115 Кб Статус: Закончен |
Call It Fate, Call It Karma1 28.09.2023
After a world-walking incident, Loki finds himself in possession - or rather being possessed, by a strange otherworldly entity that seems to take an affinity to him. Little does he know just what he's harboring and what it means for his future. ------------ “Loki, thank the Norns,” he cried, rushing forward to embrace him in a bone-crushing hug, “Where in the Nine have you been? ” “...>>What are you on about, Thor?” he was so confused he forgot to struggle, “You’re acting as if I’ve been gone for decades.” Thor pulled back and set upon Loki a look. His heart dropped. “No,” he whispered, “Please, no, don’t tell me that-” “No! Nothing quite that long!” Thor rushed to assure, but his expression dropped once more, “But, Gods, Loki, you can’t just disappear like that without telling anyone. Mother and Father were so worried, they thought you had…had fallen between the ways between worlds.” “I was not gone for that long, was I?” Now he was growing concerned, Thor’s behavior was scaring him. Thor fixed him with that same look. “Brother?” “Loki, you were gone for five years. ” |
Автор: oddsandentities Фандомы: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel, Norse Religion & Lore Персонажи: Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Odin (Marvel) Рейтинг: PG-13 Размер: 25 Кб Статус: В процессе |
Home at Last (гет)1 30.07.2023
And that is the end, tell me what you think down in the comment <33 |
Автор: Loki Laufeyson (sufficientemotion425) Фандомы: Thor (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Norse Religion & Lore, Loki (Marvel Comics) Персонажи: Laufey & Loki (Marvel), Farbauti & Loki (Marvel), Byleistr & Loki (Marvel), Helblindi & Loki (Marvel), Farbauti/Laufey (Marvel), Farbauti & Helblindi (Marvel), Byleistr & Farbauti (Marvel), Helblindi & Laufey (Marvel), Byleistr & Farbauti & Helblindi & Laufey & Loki (Marvel), Byleistr (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Hogun (Marvel), Volstagg (Marvel), Fandral (Marvel), Sif (Marvel), Frigga, Odin (Marvel), Heimdall (Marvel) Размер: 25 Кб Статус: Закончен |
Chance May Crown Me (джен)1 14.05.2023
Are you beginning to realize what you're left with now, good people of Asgard? |
Автор: fourth_rose Фандомы: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Norse Religion & Lore Персонажи: Loki & Asgard, Loki & Thor (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja & Loki & Odin (Marvel), Asgard & Magic, Loki (in absentia), Sif (Marvel), Heimdall (Marvel), Fandral (Marvel), Volstagg (Marvel), Eir (Marvel), Frigga (Marvel), Original Characters, Other Character Tags to Be Added Рейтинг: PG-13 Размер: 94 Кб Статус: В процессе |
Indemnify (слэш)1 09.03.2023
Stripped of his birthright at a young age, Thor believed that life as he knew it was a life that would never be his again. He believed that he would spend the rest of his days as the leader of a guild; nothing more, nothing less. And he would've gone his entire life believing these lies had his path not crossed with Loki, a tempting Sorcerer with a sharp tongue that is determined to receive everything he's ever wanted in life, and is hell-bent on using Thor to get it. |
Автор: Nyna_Rollins Фандомы: Norse Religion & Lore, Thor (Movies) Персонажи: Loki/Thor (Marvel), Loki/Thor, Loki & Thor (Marvel), Loki & Thor, Loki (Norse Religion & Lore), Loki (Marvel), Þórr | Thor (Norse Religion & Lore), Fandral (Marvel), Hogun (Marvel), Volstagg (Marvel), Freyja | Freya (Norse Religion & Lore), Freyr | Frey (Norse Religion & Lore), Víðar | Vidar (Norse Religion & Lore), Surtr | Surt (Norse Religion & Lore), Þrymr | Thrym (Norse Religion & Lore), Original Characters Рейтинг: NC-17 Размер: 751 Кб Статус: Закончен |
Once More With Empathy (Part 2) (джен)1 06.03.2023
Thor has gone back in time to his childhood to save his brother Loki. He ended up further in his past than intended, however. Though he's done his best to try and protect his brother they are now embarking on a much more harrowing part of Thor's youth. War. Part 2 of my Epic-Length Fix-It, where things take time to get solved and bad things still sometimes happen. Because the Norns don't like to be thwarted. |
Автор: Kairyn Фандомы: Thor (Movies), Thor (Comics), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel (Comics), Marvel, Norse Religion & Lore, Religion & Lore - Ambiguous Fandom Персонажи: Loki & Thor (Marvel), Minor or Background Relationship(s), Loki (Marvel), Sif (Marvel), Warriors Three (Marvel), Original Characters Рейтинг: PG-13 Размер: 121 Кб Статус: В процессе |
Just this once, let her be wrong... (джен)1 16.02.2023
The Völva warned Odin: on the last day of his war against Jotunheim, he would encounter a future threat to the realms and to his family. The one blinded by rage who would eventually start Ragnarök. A threat he would need to eliminate immediately upon finding it... What does he do when that threat turns out to be an abandoned infant? Or: I listened to The Horse and The Infant from EPIC the Musical and this retelling of Loki's adoption popped up in my head. It's kind of a lyrics fic, so it's normal if the dialogues look a lot like the song's lyrics. |
Автор: IJustLikeToDream Фандомы: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies), Norse Religion & Lore Персонажи: Loki & Odin (Marvel), Odin & The Völva, The Völva (Norse Religion & Lore), Loki (Marvel) Рейтинг: General Размер: 9 Кб Статус: Закончен |