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13 августа 2020
Aa Aa
A few minutes later, the wee-woo bus arrived, alongside two PRT-issue M1A2 main battle tanks, which were ripping up the shitty Brockton roads in the process. The medics jumped out, dressed in white full-body armor, because this was Brockton Bay. “Holy shit, Armsmaster,” one of the medics said, shocked, “she’s missing her fucking legs!”

“Like I said, a scratch,” Armsmaster said.

“Did you even really need us here?” the medic turned on him angrily. “We have to spend 24 hours a day and seven days a week with patients whose livers have turned inside out or something or got turned into a fucking barbecue, or people who get impaled by industrial H-beams because of Glory Girl. You called us out for a girl with only her legs chopped off?”

“Wait, I recognize you,” another medic said. “You’re the one who thought it was a good idea to bathe in used tampons and shit.”

“I didn’t do it on my own will,” I said, even as I began tying my sheared-off legs onto my stumps using Regent’s tendons. “I got pushed in there by this bitch called Emma, and her stupid cronies.”

“Sure you did,” the medic said snidely. “Everyone in this city, and especially figures in authority positions, knows that Emma Barnes is a perfect little princess and you’re just a creepy girl.”

“You’re coming with me to the PRT headquarters,” Armsmaster suddenly said. “We’re arresting you for two-million, thirty-seven thousand and seventy-three counts of first-degree murder.”

“Wait, what? I’ve only killed like, two people so far,” I said.

“Since you killed Lung, you’re inheriting his murder charges as well,” he explained testily. “As well as all the murder charges of all the people Lung killed, and so on.”

“That’s fucking bullshit,” I said.

“It’s the law,” he said simply, and clamped gigantic fucking manacles on my ankles. “Now move it. I’m taking you to Director Piggot, I’m sure she’ll be able to talk sense into you.”

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13 августа 2020
5 комментариев из 6
Fluxius Secundus
Овсянка, сэр.
*Ковыряет ложкой*
самая быстрая попытка завербовать в варды на диком западе

I looked at Director Piggot. She was a pig. Like, not a literal pig, but she looked like a pig. She had blond hair, on top of a pig’s head. She didn’t look very happy, but maybe because I was still looking at her as if she were human instead of a pig. I looked her up and down. Someone’s arm emerged from the bottom of her waistcoat and under the table.

“You must be Fortuna,” said a voice from under the table, and the pig muppet moved its mouth accordingly.


“Wards,” Piggot said immediately.

“No,” I countered.

The muppet somehow managed to glare at me, before it dived down underneath the table. All sorts of cartoony objects, like framed photographs of a frog muppet, and old rotten fruit, flew out from the desk before Piggot emerged from under the desk again. In one hand she was holding a freaking hand grenade, and the other hand on the pin.

“Wards, or I blow us both up,” she said, glaring.

I glared back. “Fuck you. Fuck your authority, the PRT are a bunch of spineless cowards.”

“You said it, not me,” Piggot said, and pulled the pin.

It exploded.
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Miss Militia grinned, twirling her hand cannon around her finger - “fuck!” she exclaimed as the gun went off. She put it back in her holster quickly, looking around to see if anyone had noticed. “You didn’t see anything,” she said quickly, and I nodded.

I was immediately greeted by four Wards. One was wearing a white costume with clock-faces all over it, another was a six-foot-four colossus in green armor. The Ward I recognized as Aegis had no arms at the moment; in fact, the arms were crawling around on the floor like disgusting spiders doing battle with each other in a makeshift arena while a dark-cloaked Ward egged on the arms to kill each other.
Эээ... Как такое вообще читать? Не, некоторые шутки даже смешные, но в целом это наборбукав.
