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6 ноября 2018
Настоящее имя Криденса и теория о том, как он родился.
I saw the movie and my theory is that Aberforth was upset with Albus for "neglecting" his duty to take care of Ariana because Ariana ended up pregnant, perhaps as a result of a rape. Ariana was clearly an obscurus and when she was killed in the crossfire of the Grindlewald/Albus/Aberforth fight, the obscurus in her saved the baby and that baby was Credence - revealed by Grindlewald to be "Auraelyis Dumbledore" (pronounced aw-rail-e-us) guessing on the spelling of the first name, but that was the name said in the movie.

Ньют говорит, что у Тины глаза как у саламандры
It's cute. Newt tries to describe to Jacob why he likes Tina, and says her eyes are like a Salamander. Jacob is like - yeah maybe don't say that. Fast forward, Newt is face-to-face with Tina in a tense situation and he starts describing her eyes, their color, their shape, etc. avoiding saying like a salamander, then after a pause she says "like a salamander" and it's adorable.

Ньют, Лета, Тесей
To add to this, Newt clearly used to love Leta, but that has faded and now he just cares for her in a non-romantic way. Romantically, he is still very much interested in Tina. Early on in the movie we find out that Tina thinks Newt got engaged to Leta, but it was a misunderstanding. Theseus was the one engaged to Leta. Leta married Theseus but there is no explanation as to why. She clearly regrets it and wishes she was with Newt, but it's too late. There is even a touching scene that takes place in the Transfiguration classroom where Leta pines for what could have been between her and Newt back during their Hogwarts days. Theseus clearly cared for Leta because when she dies, he is devastated and tries to stop her self-sacrifice. Personally, I don't feel as though we got to know Leta enough to care about her death. Perhaps that will change by the end of the fifth movie.
Their relationship is super one-sided but Theseus seems to be fine with it lol. I think it is going to be REALLY important to read this screenplay as a book - there was so much going on it's hard to unpack just from watching.
Also, that whole "She's a taker" line from Queenie in the first movie doesn't make much sense. Other than Leta's deep dark secret that she accidentally kinda sorta killed her brother, she seems pretty nice. She is just teased and taunted at school and has a really unfortunate last name that comes with a lot of baggage.

Про Квини
Yes, in what almost felt like a mental break, Queenie steps away from Jacob and joins Grindlewald. She even helps Grindlewald manipulate Credence by reading Credence's mind so that she can tell Grindelwald the best way to get Credence to do what he wants.

Про Финальную Битву
Leta dies trying to buy the Scamander's time to escape. Grindlewald kills Leta, sets off two huge magic fire dragons, then disaparates leaving Newt & friends to deal with them. Flamel shows up and has everyone form a circle around the dragons and then stick their wands in the ground as a spell to contain the dragons, destory them, and stop them from destroying Paris.
