9 августа 2019
ar neamhni
ДЕЗМОНД ВКЛЮЧАЕТ ПОИСК ПО КАРТИНКЕ https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1553061165l/44544606._SY475_.jpg Ахаха, фото "дикаря" потырили из такой же западной говнины: Ravaged By The Pharaoh's Son Washed ashore on the Nile, she barely remembers being dragged onto a passing ship, barely conscious. She certainly remembers waking up to the intense, dark gaze of Pharaoh, a living god on earth. In Egypt, the Pharaoh always gets what he wants - and she soon finds out, he wants her. Хотя, конечно, я могу наговаривать и "дикарь" - из гей-бара в Тель-Авиве: https://pitaname.com/post/6LHDoRLrZFU 2 |