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#заявка #плио #рееболь #всё_очень_плохо

Позвольте вам представить фикоидею, которая у меня появилась сто лет назад и выложена была лишь на asoiaf kink meme, но не привлекла там внимания. По сему поводу, выкладываю сюда(без перевода на русский, простите, так как у меня завтра модуль по биохимии и вообще я ленивая задница). Вдруг кого заинтересует сей трэш...

Rhaegar does not die at the battle of the Trident. He is grievously wounded, but alive. However, only few people know that. Even Eddard does not. But Robert does. In order to avenge Lyanna, he locks Rhaegar in the black cells after arriving in the capital. There, he takes delight in torturing and raping the ex-prince. After a few years, Rhaegar becomes something like Theon-Reek and has a strange connection with his arch-nemesis. Both Robert and Rhaegar do not like dealing with state affairs, they still grieve over Lyanna, and most importantly, they like having sex with each other. They bond over all that and eventually fall in love, having a secret relationship. Cercei thinks Robert cheats on her with the whores from Baelish's brothels but no - the not-so-dead dragon prince is Robert's one and only whore. For the sake of his lover, the king drinks less, so he is not really fat. For 15 years, the fact that Rhaegar is alive remains unknown, but then someone finds out(for example, Jon Snow, who has gone with Ned to the capital and accidentally found out that he has a different biological father, who is a Targaryen and the king's captive slut). Still, Jon keeps a secret. Robert does not die, but a war still breaks out - whether it is the Lannisters, Dany or Aegon(the real one, he is not a Blackfyre) is for you to decide. Throughout the conflict Rhaegar and Robert have a threesome with Jon Connington. The war ends well for everyone and the stag and the dragon live happily ever after. There must be no slash pairings beside (Jon Connington)/Rhaegar/Robert and the canonical ones like Renly/Loras. All the other characters have heterosexual relationships.
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