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Лучшая подруга Нимуэ, лекарь на корабле Красного Копья и участник сопротивления Красным Паладинам. Что же нового могут добавить к этому описанию дамы и господа Авторы фанфиков?
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Подписчиков: 0 | Владелец: SRJMaroderka | Cоздана: 13 сентября 2020
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Фанфиков - 16

Firebird (гет)

0   13.09.2020    archiveofourown.org   
“We need a healer,” Arthur yells.
“Bring her!” The Red Spear says. Arthur looks at her and shakes his head, “well every other healer is occupied!”
“Not her,” Arthur says.
“We need him alive, she—“
“Is right here,” Pym says, picking up her bag. She concentrates on the amulet, “and doesn’t need to be spoken for,” she looks at Arthur and sees him wavering, “I’m better than no healer.”
After everything Pym has faced down, Squirrel bringing the Weeping Monk to her isn't something she was prepared to deal with. As in all things, she adjusts.
Добавлено в коллекцию 14 сентября 2020
Автор: Enchantable
Фандом: Cursed (TV 2020)
Персонажи: Squirrel | Percival & The Weeping Monk | Lancelot (Cursed), Pym & Squirrel | Percival, Pym/The Weeping Monk | Lancelot (Cursed), Gawain | The Green Knight & Nimue (Cursed), Gawain | The Green Knight & The Weeping Monk | Lancelot (Cursed), Nimue & Pym (Cursed), Arthur (Cursed), Squirrel | Percival (Cursed), Red Spear | Guinevere (Cursed), Morgana | Igraine (Cursed), Merlin (Cursed), Kaze (Cursed), Gawain | The Green Knight (Cursed)
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 578 Кб
Статус: В процессе

The Lost One (джен)

0   06.08.2020    archiveofourown.org   
The monk takes tremulous steps, and the tribes of fae search for Nimue.
Добавлено в коллекцию 14 сентября 2020
Автор: sasha_b
Фандом: Cursed (TV 2020)
Персонажи: Pym & Squirrel | Percival (Cursed), Squirrel | Percival & The Weeping Monk | Lancelot (Cursed), The weeping monk & Pym, Pym (Cursed), Red Spear | Guinevere (Cursed), Arthur (Cursed)
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 17 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Ten Thousand People, Maybe More (джен)

0   10.08.2020    archiveofourown.org   
Lancelot tries to heal, while the past and the future interrupts.
Добавлено в коллекцию 14 сентября 2020
Автор: sasha_b
Фандом: Cursed (TV 2020)
Персонажи: Pym & The Weeping Monk | Lancelot (Cursed), Squirrel | Percival & The Weeping Monk | Lancelot (Cursed), Squirrel | Percival (Cursed), Pym (Cursed), Arthur (Cursed), Red Spear | Guinevere (Cursed), Nimue (Cursed)
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 16 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Переплетение судеб (гет)

0   24.07.2020    ficbook.net   
Плачущий Монах. Главное оружие церкви против неверных, кошмар всех фейри во снах и наяву. Ну почему из всех выживших в деревне, только она, слабая и безобидная Пим, так глупо попалась в его руки, прячась в чаще леса и дожидаясь подругу?
Добавлено в коллекцию 13 сентября 2020
Автор: Эллисон кареглазая
Фандом: Проклятая
Персонажи: Ланселот/Пим
Рейтинг: PG-13
Жанры: Романтика, Флафф, Фэнтези
Размер: Мини | 16 Кб
Статус: Закончен

- Он защитит тебя, кроха. (гет)

0   05.08.2020    ficbook.net   
Он бился бок о бок со смертью. Её оберегал его Бог.
Добавлено в коллекцию 13 сентября 2020
Автор: к.чайная
Фандом: Проклятая
Персонажи: Пим/Доф
Рейтинг: PG-13
Жанры: Ангст
Размер: Мини | 3 Кб
Статус: Закончен

took an oath by the blood of my hand (гет)

0   28.07.2020    archiveofourown.org   
He had been called The Weeping Monk for so long he had all but forgotten the name he was born with and it sounded stale and wrong on his tongue as he murmured it to the child he held protectively in front of him. Percival, or Squirrel as he preferred, had saved his life. The child had distracted the Holy Trinity knight from the killing blow, allowing the cloaked monk enough time to reach for his s...>>
Добавлено в коллекцию 13 сентября 2020
Автор: theweepingmonk (j2mslittlebitch)
Фандом: Cursed (TV 2020)
Персонажи: Lancelot/Pym (Cursed), Lancelot & Percival (Cursed), The Weeping Monk, Lancelot (Cursed)
Рейтинг: R
Размер: 23 Кб
Статус: В процессе

answers your prayer with a spear to the heart (фемслэш)

0   28.07.2020    archiveofourown.org   
“You know,” Pym says. “I’ve never seen the sea. Not before my village burned, anyway. Didn’t see much of it on your ship, was too busy healing people. Fear of death kinda ruins the view.”
I came to save you. I came to rescue you and your people, but mostly for you. You’re a better view than a thousand seas, You think. This is not what you say. “Are you going to thank me for saving you?”
Добавлено в коллекцию 13 сентября 2020
Автор: sapphfics
Фандом: Cursed (TV 2020)
Персонажи: Pym/Red Spear (Cursed), Red Spear & Lancelot (Cursed), Pym (Cursed)
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 4 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Sovereignty (смешанная)

1   04.08.2020    archiveofourown.org   
While she would not claim to be very close with the Hidden, she did not deny that they were the guides of her people for a reason.
Their gifts were precious and few, their curses severe and many, their wisdom grave and true. They knew more than the druids of legend, of the eldest Moon Wing alive, of any master claimed among men. Rivaled only by the gods themselves, there was a reason her peop...>>
Добавлено в коллекцию 13 сентября 2020
Автор: Deliahscrush2003
Фандомы: Cursed (TV 2020), Arthurian Mythology & Related Fandoms, Arthurian Mythology
Персонажи: Lancelot/Nimue (Cursed), The Weeping Monk/Nimue, Gawain/Original Female Character, Dof/Pym (Cursed), morgana/original female character, Arthur/Guinevere (Cursed), Lancelot & Percival (Cursed), The Weeping Monk/Squirrel, Gawain & Nimue, Morgana | Igraine & Nimue & Pym (Cursed), Nimue & Pym, Nimue & Percival, Gawain & Lancelot, Gawain & Arthur, Morgana & Kaze, Nimue & Morgana & Kaze, Guinevere & Original Female Character, Original Female Character(s), Gawain (Cursed), Lancelot (Cursed), Arthur (Cursed), The Red Spear, Morgana | Igraine (Cursed), Merlin (Cursed), Dof (Cursed), Kaze - Character, Uther Pendragon (Cursed), Father Carden (Cursed), The Pope, Iris (Cursed), Nora, Cumber the Ice King, Bergerum, The Red Paladins - Character
Размер: 49 Кб
Статус: В процессе

Burning Down (гет)

0   13.08.2020    archiveofourown.org   
Pym’s happily ever after was never in the cards
Добавлено в коллекцию 13 сентября 2020
Автор: Wind_Writes
Фандом: Cursed (TV 2020)
Персонажи: Dof/Pym (Cursed), Dof (Cursed)
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 4 Кб
Статус: Закончен

if i get burned (смешанная)

0   24.08.2020    archiveofourown.org   
The monk extends his neck under visible strain but when he sees the boy, he relaxes, lowering his head again and breathing heavy. He’s looking up, not at her when he speaks next.
“Who are you?” His voice is brittle, softer than she expected but all the more eerie for it.
“None of your business,” Pym replies. Usually she wouldn’t be so brave but he’s so frail she could probably kill him in ...>>
Добавлено в коллекцию 13 сентября 2020
Автор: EllieCarina
Фандом: Cursed (TV 2020)
Персонажи: Pym/The Weeping Monk | Lancelot (Cursed), Pym (Cursed), Squirrel | Percival (Cursed), Merlin (Cursed), Kaze (Cursed)
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 77 Кб
Статус: В процессе

take care (фемслэш)

0   27.08.2020    archiveofourown.org   
After the battle on the beach, the Red Spear finds Pym.
Добавлено в коллекцию 13 сентября 2020
Автор: problematiquedrabbles (problematiquefave)
Фандом: Cursed (TV 2020)
Персонажи: Pym/Red Spear | Guinevere (Cursed), Pym (Cursed)
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 2 Кб
Статус: Закончен

If You'll be My Queen, I'll be Your King (гет)

1   03.09.2020    archiveofourown.org   
King Uther has decided to get the Church under control and requests Merlin to give Nimue an idea. She agrees to meet with them for aid to the Fey but the King has a motive to keep the peace between their groups. Now Nimue and The Monk must choose their sides.
Добавлено в коллекцию 13 сентября 2020
Автор: SupernaturalBabyGirl96
Фандом: Cursed (TV 2020)
Персонажи: Nimue/The Weeping Monk | Lancelot (Cursed), Arthur/Red Spear | Guinevere (Cursed), Dof/Pym (Cursed), Gawain & Nimue & Pym & Squirrel | Percival (Cursed), Arthur & Gawain | The Green Knight (Cursed), Gawain | The Green Knight & The Weeping Monk | Lancelot (Cursed), Merlin & Nimue (Cursed), Nimue & Squirrel | Percival & The Weeping Monk | Lancelot (Cursed), Kaze & Morgana | Igraine & Nimue (Cursed), Morgana | Igraine & Nimue & Pym (Cursed), Merlin & Morgana | Igraine (Cursed), Merlin (Cursed), Arthur (Cursed), Dof (Cursed), Kaze (Cursed), Father Carden (Cursed), Wicklow (Cursed)
Размер: 40 Кб
Статус: В процессе

Sweet and gentle (гет)

0   08.09.2020    archiveofourown.org   
Squirrel asks Pym to help his friend and she can't refuse.
Добавлено в коллекцию 13 сентября 2020
Автор: Morganlefay_6013
Фандом: Cursed (TV 2020)
Персонажи: Pym/The Weeping Monk | Lancelot (Cursed), Pym (Cursed), Squirrel | Percival (Cursed), Red Spear | Guinevere (Cursed), Gawain | The Green Knight (Cursed), Morgana | Igraine (Cursed), Merlin (Cursed), Kaze (Cursed), Nimue (Cursed), Arthur (Cursed)
Рейтинг: R
Размер: 209 Кб
Статус: В процессе

Posso ser o seu rei- Nimulot (смешанная)

1   23.10.2020    archiveofourown.org   
tradução em portugues de i could be your king por mim
Добавлено в коллекцию 13 сентября 2020
Автор: Rafabusca_potter132
Фандом: Cursed (TV)
Персонажи: Weeping monk/Nimue, Lancelot/Nimue (Cursed), Dof/Pym (Cursed), Arthur/Guinevere (Cursed), Nimue & Percival & Pym (Cursed), Morgana | Igraine & Nimue & Pym (Cursed), Gawain & Nimue & Percival & Pym (Cursed), Lancelot & Percival (Cursed), Celia/Morgana | Igraine (Cursed), Lancelot (Cursed), Merlin (Cursed), Arthur (Cursed), Dof (Cursed), Gawain (Cursed)
Рейтинг: R
Размер: 556 Кб
Статус: В процессе

I Could be your King- Nimulot (смешанная)

1   27.08.2020    archiveofourown.org   
what if Nimue was found by Weeping monk at the cerimonial place ?
Добавлено в коллекцию 13 сентября 2020
Автор: Rafabusca_potter132
Фандомы: Cursed (TV), Cursed(2020), Cursed (Netflix), Cursed (TV 2020)
Персонажи: Nimue/Lancelot, Nimue/The Weeping Monk, Pym/Dof, Arthur/Red Spear, Nimue & Pym & Squirrel, Squirrel & Weeping Monk, Nimue & Morgana & Pym, Nimue & Gawain & Pym & Squirrel, Celia/Morgana | Igraine (Cursed), Gawain / Personagem Feminina Original, Merlin & Nimue (Cursed), Lancelot (Cursed), Squirrel (Cursed), Pym (Cursed), Arthur (Cursed), Dof (Cursed), Guinevere (Cursed), Merlin (Cursed), Celia (Cursed)
Рейтинг: R
Размер: 158 Кб
Статус: В процессе

The hunter becomes the hunted (джен)

0   12.09.2020    archiveofourown.org   
After killing the trinity guard Lancelot is badly injured but is determined to bring Percival back to the fey, but it seems like the fey hunter has become the hunted, now that everyone is looking for him. It seems like every option he has will lead him to his death, but he'll see.
Добавлено в коллекцию 13 сентября 2020
Автор: Moonstera
Фандом: Cursed (TV 2020)
Персонажи: Nimue & Squirrel | Percival & The Weeping Monk | Lancelot (Cursed), Gawain | The Green Knight & The Weeping Monk | Lancelot (Cursed), Pym/Red Spear | Guinevere (Cursed), Arthur/Nimue (Cursed), Squirrel | Percival (Cursed), Arthur (Cursed), Father Carden (Cursed), Gawain | The Green Knight (Cursed), Pym (Cursed), Yeva (Cursed), Goliath (Cursed), Kaze (Cursed), Red Paladins (Cursed), Polly (Cursed)
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 27 Кб
Статус: В процессе
