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Фанфиков - 30

When chasing down an artifact thief, Harry Potter finds himself in the middle of a magical accident which results in him being slung into another dimension.
There, the war never happened, and Voldemort doesn't exist beyond a whisper in the darkest of shadows. But Tom Riddle does exist, and he seems all too interested in Harry...
Добавлено в коллекцию 13 декабря 2023
Автор: legal_kidnapping
Фандом: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Персонажи: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle, Harry Potter & Original Character(s), Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Malfoy Family (Harry Potter), Greengrass Family (Harry Potter), Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Albus Dumbledore, Rodolphus Lestrange, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Regulus Black
Рейтинг: NC-17
Размер: 430 Кб
Статус: В процессе

A part to play (смешанная)

1   06.07.2024    archiveofourown.org   
No matter Harry Potter's situation, he always had a part to play. A part that always cost him everything.
However, this time, he may not lose anything but gain everything he wanted—a family.
!All chapters have been edited, and any grammar issues and overall mistakes have hopefully been fixed!
Добавлено в коллекцию 13 октября 2023
Автор: LupinsLibrary
Фандом: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Персонажи: James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes, Euphemia Potter/Fleamont Potter, Harry Potter & James Potter, Harry Potter & Lily Evans Potter, Sirius Black & Harry Potter, Remus Lupin & Harry Potter, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added, Mary Macdonald (Harry Potter), Albus Dumbledore, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Peter Pettigrew, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 221 Кб
Статус: В процессе

Worlds Beyond Death (слэш)

6   07.04.2024    archiveofourown.org   
On the 2nd of May 1998, Britain was freed from its tyrant. Dozens fell in the fight for equality, justice and freedom. Dozens died in vain. For when technology triumphs over magic, Muggles attempt to wipe mages out, exactly as the Dark Lord had foretold.
On the 4th of March 2007, Magical Britain ceases to exist.
Desperate to undo the damage, Harry travels back in time to prevent Voldemort...>>
Добавлено в коллекцию 22 мая 2023
Автор: GeMerope
Фандом: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Персонажи: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Harry Potter/Voldemort, Harry Potter/Tom Riddle, Sirius Black/Severus Snape, Voldemort (Harry Potter), Hermione Granger, Quirinus Quirrell
Рейтинг: R
Размер: 1 089 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Too old to be this young (слэш)

5   18.02.2025    archiveofourown.org   
He was smiling. At Tom Riddle. He was going to get murdered before the year ends, he just knows.
Alternate universe/Post-Hogwarts. warnings: mature themes, drinking, swearing. An adult Harry Potter with all his knowledge and experience is transported to his 23yo body in a universe with no war.
Добавлено в коллекцию 30 сентября 2022
Автор: Nadia_Castillo
Фандом: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Персонажи: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle, Original Male Character(s)
Рейтинг: R
Размер: 633 Кб
Статус: В процессе

Love That Crosses Dimensions (слэш)

1   24.02.2024    archiveofourown.org   
Following an unforeseen break-up with Ginny, Harry finds out soulmates are real. While struggling with his heartbreak and discovering the secrets of soul matches, an inexplicable event throws him into a whole different world where the Potters are alive and want nothing more than to be his family. In fact, a lot of people in his past are alive, and Harry must adjust to life in this new world while deciding whether he wants to go back to where he came from.
Добавлено в коллекцию 25 мая 2021
Автор: Misty Shadowbrook (Dagger_Stiletto)
Фандом: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Персонажи: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Albus Dumbledore/Gellert Grindelwald, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, George Weasley, Regulus Black, Abraxas Malfoy, Severus Snape, Fleamont Potter, Euphemia Potter
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 223 Кб
Статус: Закончен

C'est La Vie, Iterum (джен)

1   25.11.2020    archiveofourown.org   
Harry Potter is offered the chance to do things again, in a world only slightly different from his own, where all his family are alive and well. Of course he takes the leap.
Except, things aren't adding up - and Harry makes things even more complicated for himself by pretending to be Severus Snape's long-lost son.
(or, my own take on C'est La Vie by cywcross, borrowing the premise for the alternate world, but altered and otherwise original.)
Добавлено в коллекцию 14 апреля 2021
Автор: wearethewitches
Фандом: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Персонажи: Harry Potter & Severus Snape, Neville Longbottom, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Lily Evans Potter, Original Black Family Characters (Harry Potter), Original Characters, Ensemble
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 81 Кб
Статус: В процессе

We Have but Two Lives (смешанная)

2   04.09.2017    archiveofourown.org   
"… the second begins when we realise we only have one." In his second year at Hogwarts, Fawkes' tears are not as effective as expected, and Harry dies in the Chamber of Secrets during his encounter with young Tom Riddle … Only to wake up in a parallel universe where James and Lily Potter are among the living, along with many other familiar faces.
Добавлено в коллекцию 23 мая 2020
Автор: eternalchange
Фандом: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Персонажи: James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore, Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Severus Snape
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 62 Кб
Статус: В процессе

The Boys Who Lived? (джен)

3   18.03.2020    archiveofourown.org   
Harry had just dropped Teddy off at Andy and Ted's. He was on his way home, when all of a sudden he feels like he's being crushed through a very tiny tube, When he wakes up, he finds himself in a cot, with Lily Potter lying on the floor, surrounded by rubble. Then he looks next to him.
Where is he? Why are his parents alive? Why is there another baby here?
And why is he the only one who seems to notice the resemblance to a certain dark lord?
Добавлено в коллекцию 22 мая 2020
Автор: samarianuel
Фандом: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Персонажи: James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Tom Riddle & Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger & Tom Riddle, Alice Longbottom/Frank Longbottom, Voldemort (Harry Potter), Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape, Order of the Phoenix
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 113 Кб
Статус: В процессе

Stretto (смешанная)

2   15.07.2020    archiveofourown.org   
Harry tried his best, he did what he thought was right. When that turns out to be the most horrible mistake ever, his soul shattered but his friends paid the price. Thus, when given the chance to try again he jumped for it blindly. Anything would be better than the world he left, right? He never thought that the living would torment him so much. AU Time Travel.
Добавлено в коллекцию 21 мая 2020
Автор: Serravi
Фандом: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Персонажи: Luna Lovegood & Harry Potter, Lily Evans Potter, James Potter, Original Male Character(s)
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 277 Кб
Статус: В процессе

How Like Home (джен)

4   31.07.2024    archiveofourown.org   
During the battle at the department of mysteries, Harry follows Sirius through the veil. He arrives at a strange, alternate version of his world where there is no Voldemort, his parents are still alive, and there is already a Harry Potter in existence.
With every face a familiar stranger and his real friends out of reach, Harry must now navigate building all of his relationships from scratch— all while recovering from the scars that his own war-torn world has left behind.
Добавлено в коллекцию 21 мая 2020
Автор: waitingondaisies
Фандом: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Персонажи: James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Harry Potter & James Potter, Harry Potter & Lily Evans Potter, Nymphadora Tonks
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 1 019 Кб
Статус: В процессе

Ah, Love, This is Fear 

2   12.06.2020    archiveofourown.org   
Head Auror James Potter is at his wit's end as he struggles to find the security leak in his department and to unravel the puzzle of his enigmatic son, (who has never been the same since Voldemort kidnapped him as a child... and then inexplicably let him go). James is always one step behind, though, and in these dark times, catch-up is a dangerous game to be playing.
Enter a boy claiming to b...>>
Добавлено в коллекцию 7 мая 2020
Автор: OrangeScript
Фандом: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 49 Кб
Статус: В процессе

Divining Success (смешанная)

1   10.04.2020    archiveofourown.org   
After sacrificing himself and dieing in the Forbidden Forest Harry awakens in a new world. Grasping his chance to have peace and be rid of 'The Boy Who Lived' Harry changed his name and lived for a year as a squib in Diagon Alley. However, his hope for a peaceful life is cut short when Dumbledore starts manipulating his life and Harry finds himself back in the the thick of an upcoming war yet again as new players and deadly creatures are put into play.
Добавлено в коллекцию 7 мая 2020
Автор: Emerys_Potter
Фандом: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Персонажи: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter, Hermione Granger & Ron Weasley, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Dudley Dursley, Petunia Evans Dursley, Severus Snape, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Gilderoy Lockhart, Hadrian Potter
Рейтинг: R
Размер: 69 Кб
Статус: В процессе

Warping Circumstances (джен)

12   27.11.2014    archiveofourown.org   
Harry gets sent back in time and across dimensions because... well, there doesn't really seem to be a reason why. Life is kind of awesome here. But Harry's full of Horcruxes and this world is ripe for the taking- he just has to prevent himself from going insane and becoming the next Dark Lord. Helpfully, he's regressed to a child.
Добавлено в коллекцию 30 апреля 2020
Автор: deritine
Фандом: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Персонажи: Harry Potter & Voldemort, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Severus Snape, Tom Riddle, Moaning Myrtle, Lily Evans Potter, Albus Dumbledore
Рейтинг: R
Размер: 461 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Сквозь вселенные (слэш)

4   04.11.2019    archiveofourown.org   
Гарри Поттер, обычный подросток, ничего не знающий о волшебстве и магии. Том Риддл, волшебник, не желающий иметь никакого отношения к маглам. По истечению обстоятельств, они находят волшебный дневник, через который способны общаться друг с другом.
Добавлено в коллекцию 19 сентября 2019
Автор: PaperDude
Фандом: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Персонажи: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Tom Riddle | Voldemort
Рейтинг: R
Размер: 325 Кб
Статус: В процессе

Stunning Shifts (джен)

3   31.05.2020    archiveofourown.org   
During a publicity stunt, Harry and five others are sent to another world where a well timed Stupefy made all the difference. As Harry looks for his peers and a way home, another Harry investigates the odd arrival of his doppelganger.
Добавлено в коллекцию 18 августа 2019
Автор: mindcandy
Фандом: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Персонажи: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Draco Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Lily Evans, James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Albus Dumbledore
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 602 Кб
Статус: В процессе

When the Phoenix Cries (слэш)

4   12.09.2019    archiveofourown.org   
When Fawkes’ unexpected arrival upends their vacation, Harry and Tom find themselves flung into a parallel world, a world where Lord Voldemort rules Wizarding Britain with a young Death Eater named Harry Potter at his command. Now, they must out maneuver the dangers of this world and find a way back home, but when a mysterious artifact known as the Silence falls into Harry’s hands, returning home might be the least of their problems.
Sequel to Of Your Making
Добавлено в коллекцию 14 августа 2019
Автор: purplewitch156
Фандом: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Персонажи: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Harry Potter/Tom Riddle, Lily Evans Potter, James Potter, Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore, Neville Longbottom
Рейтинг: NC-17
Размер: 505 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Lightning and War (слэш)

2   30.08.2020    archiveofourown.org   
Harry and Tom are pursuing Harry’s cousin Jonquil Potter into Tom’s dangerous, paranoia-ridden world. In addition to finding Jonquil, they need to deal with Dumbledore, Tom’s associates, and dangerous fluctuations in Harry’s magic. Sequel to Jonquils and Lightning.
Добавлено в коллекцию 13 августа 2019
Автор: Lomonaaeren
Фандом: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Персонажи: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle, Albus Dumbledore & Harry Potter, Abraxas Malfoy & Tom Riddle, Merope Gaunt & Tom Riddle, Morfin Gaunt
Рейтинг: NC-17
Размер: 577 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Jonquils and Lightning (слэш)

6   15.10.2018    archiveofourown.org   
Harry Potter found peace after the war in another world where a large number of Potters live. He makes his living as an animal healer in Godric’s Hollow, surrounded by family and away from all wars. But his peace shatters with the arrival of a Tom Riddle from another dimension, who seeks a Potter who can be his foretold weapon in his own war.
Добавлено в коллекцию 13 августа 2019
Автор: Lomonaaeren
Фандом: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Персонажи: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle, Charlus Potter/Dorea Black Potter, Euphemia Potter/Fleamont Potter, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s)
Рейтинг: R
Размер: 313 Кб
Статус: Закончен

C'est La Vie (джен)

2   19.02.2015    archiveofourown.org   
The war ends on Harry's twenty-first Halloween, and, one year later, with nothing truly holding him in that world, Fate takes this opportunity to toss her favourite hero into a different dimension to repay her debt. A new, stress-free life in exchange for having fulfilled her prophecy. A life where Neville is the Boy-Who-Lived instead, James and Lily are still alive, and that Harry Potter is relat...>>
Добавлено в коллекцию 8 июля 2019
Автор: cywscross
Фандом: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Персонажи: Minor or Background Relationship(s), Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Harry Potter, Hadrian Evans, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Orion Black, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Fleur Delacour, Viktor Krum, Cedric Diggory, Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore, Bathsheda Babbling, Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Gabrielle Delacour, Hogwarts Students, Hogwarts Staff
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 593 Кб
Статус: В процессе


6   25.12.2015    fanfiction.net   
Magic can solve all the Wizarding World's problems. What's that? A prophecy that insists on a person? Things not quite going your way? I know, lets use this here ritual to summon another! It'll be great! - An eighteen year old Harry is called upon to deal with another dimension's irksome Dark Lord issue. This displeases him. EWE - AU HBP
Добавлено в коллекцию 4 июля 2019
Автор: brainthief
Фандом: Harry Potter
Персонажи: Harry P.
Рейтинг: PG-13
Жанры: Drama/Adventure
Размер: 883 Кб
Статус: В процессе
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