2 декабря 2018 к ориджиналу Мать Ученья
Насчет могучего Зориана-варвара, таскающего Зака одной левой -
Запрос: I've got many reader's questions regarding Zorian's sudden physical prowess in ch 92. Did he actually lift Zach from the ground - or was just supporting the guy standing on his own? Ответ автора: He lifted him up. And yeah, that may have been too much. I debated putting that he used some spells there to lighten the weight but I didn't put anything in the end. I really should have, considering how difficult it is to carry another person like that... I'll probably have to go through the chapter and reword/add things. Anyway, yeah, it's a bit of a mistake on my part. 7 |