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Комментарий к фанфику: Desiderium Intimum

Marian Eliotпереводчик
23 октября 2012 к фанфику Desiderium Intimum

Мы благодарим всех, кто написал Ariel&Gobuss))) Особенно хочется поблагодарить Арсула за великолепные иллюстрации к DI. Мы сегодня отослали их авторам. Они были очень тронуты и на сайте фика разместили их вот с таким посланием, которое они адресовали всем русскоязычным поклонникам DI:

We would like to enermously thank to all Russian fans of DI for unremitting support, for all the wonderful comments, the messages on e-mail, for how greatly you appreciate our work and for your devotion to DI. We are happy and touched that you loved DI so much and so incredibly attached with it.

We have not enough words to thank VikVik, Marian Elliot and SolaDeOne for the heart that they put in the translation, and for their efforts and hard work. And also for their passion and involvement, because if they do not, DI would never gained so many hearts in this amazing country of Russia - Kingdom of Slash.

We also want to thank to the one of the Russian fan Arsul for the creation of two beautiful images to DI. When we saw them, almost couldn't catch our breaths because of all the feelings and emotions it gave us. We can not put into words how wonderful a feeling it is to know that our work has inspired someone to create something so wonderful.

