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Миры Роберта Хайнлайна

По произведениям Роберта Хайнлайна и их экранизациям

Миры Роберта Хайнлайна

По произведениям Роберта Хайнлайна и их экранизациям

Хайнлайн: Гражданин Галактики

Всего персонажей - 41

Jeri Kingsolver

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Thorby Rudbek's foster nephew by his eldest married brother; he was nearly the same age as Thorby and was his bunkmate aboard the Sisu.


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Receptionist at Rudbek's offices.

Sargon Augustus

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Past Emperor of the Nine Worlds who had a circus amphitheater built in Jubbulpore.

Richard Baslim, Baslim the Cripple

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A colonel in the Terran Hegemony's X-Corps. He was promoted to wing marshal, but asked to be demoted so he could command a ship. He lost an eye and a leg freeing a Free Trader ship from slavers. For a while he taught in the Guard Academy, then transferred to the X-Corps and infiltrated the Nine Worlds to report on the slave trade there. He established himself in Jubbulpore as Baslim the Cripple, a beggar, and while in this role purchased Thorby Rudbek, eventually training the boy as a messenger and making arrangements for his return to the Hegemony in the event of Baslim's death. Baslim was killed by Imperial soldiers when Thorby was in his teens.

Thorby Baslim, Thor B. Rudbek, Rudbek of Rudbek

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Jack Weemsby's secretary.

Professor and Mrs. Bradley

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Thorby Rudbek's paternal grandparents. Professor Bradley was a historian. Their son took the Rudbek name on marrying, and they received an allowance from the Rudbek estate. Neither of them was willing to listen to, much less believe, Thorby's story of his captivity and slavery.

Colonel Brisby

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Commander of the Hydra, who determined Thorby Rudbek's true identity and delivered him to Earth. He was called "Pappy" by Vice Colonel Stancke.


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Judge Bruder

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Chief counsel of Rudbek Associates while Jack Weemsby controlled the business. (Mrs. Bruder is also mentioned in passing.)


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House servant in the Rudbek estate.

Joel de la Croix

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Rudbek employee whom Jack Weemsby fired after de la Croix attempted to discuss business matters with Thorby Rudbek. He was rehired by Havermeyer Laboratories after Thorby took control of the businesses, and assigned to developing ships' defenses against slavers' paralysis beams.


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Commodore of all the Free Traders.


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Secretary assigned to Thorby Rudbek at Rudbek offices.

Kenan Drotar

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Trainee in the computer room of the Sisu.


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Nobleman of Syndon IV, in the audience when Thorby Rudbek was sold in the slave auction in Jubbulpore. He financed Richard Baslim's purchase of Thorby, mostly to annoy the auctioneer.


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Colonel Brisby's aide.

Lady Fascia

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[mentioned in passing] Jubbulpore noblewoman from whom Thorby stole a scarf.

Loeen Garcia

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Girl exchanged from El Nido when Mata Kingsolver was sent to them from the Sisu. Grandmother (Fjalar Krausa's mother, the ship's de facto leader) apparently intended Thorby Rudbek to marry her. She was cast opposite Thorby in a drama written for the Gathering of the People, but Thorby left the Sisu before the drama was performed; Jeri Kingsolver took Thorby's role.

James J. Garsch

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Lawyer recommended to Thorby Rudbek by Leda Weemsby to help in his fight for control of Rudbek. He became chief counsel of Rudbek after Jack Weemsby and Judge Bruder were ousted.


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Only name used for Fjalar Krausa's mother, the Chief Officer of the Sisu. She was de facto commander of the ship, although the Captain held the official command. She died on Woolamurra before the ship reached the Gathering of the People, and was succeeded by Fjalar's wife.

Granny the Snake

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Beggar in Jubbulpore who knew how to dislocate her joints, thus creating more sympathy and collecting more alms.


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[mentioned in passing] Member of the Sisu clan, a friend of Mata Kingsolver.


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Owner of a fruit stand near the amphitheater where Richard Baslim and Thorby Rudbek lived.


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Junior officer in the Sisu.


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Patrolman who was looking for Thorby Rudbek after Richard Baslim's death.

Mata Kingsolver

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Junior controlman in the computer room of the Sisu, Jeri's younger sister. She was traded to El Nido when she showed a romantic interest in Thorby Rudbek. In exchange, Loeen Garcia came to the Sisu from El Nido.

Fjalar Krausa

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Senior male of the Krausa sept and titular head of the clan in the Free Trader ship Sisu. Thorby Rudbek delivered to him Richard Baslim's message requesting that the Free Traders discharge their debt to him by caring for Thorby and finding his real family after Richard Baslim's death.

Fritz Krausa

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Thorby Rudbek's eldest unmarried foster brother and president of the starboard bachelor table; one of Thorby's bunkmates in the Sisu.

Rhoda Krausa

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Wife of Fjalar, she inherited the post of Chief Officer (de factor head of the ship's crew) after her mother-in-law's death.

Arly Krausa-Drotar

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Senior clerk in the Sisu.

Chelan Krausa-Drotar

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Thorby Rudbek's foster ortho-second-cousin by marriage, and one of his bunkmates in the Sisu.

Athena Krausa-Fogarth

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Chief of commissary in the Sisu, and budding playwright; Thorby Rudbek's foster aunt. She wrote a drama for the Gathering of the People about the first Captain Krausa.

Isadore (Kris) Krishnamurti

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Medical-captain, the ship's psychologist on the Hydra who interrogated Thorby Rudbek to ascertain the truth of his story about Richard Baslim.

Abraham Lincoln

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Leda Weemsby described him as a founder of America; Thorby Rudbek knew even less about him, but knew he had abolished slavery.


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Senior gunnery sergeant aboard the Hydra.

Margaret Mader

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Anthropologist whom the Free Traders on the Sisu allowed to travel with them, although they were normally wary of outsiders. She befriended Thorby Rudbek and did her best to explain their customs to him. When the ship reached Losian, she transferred to El Nido to return to the Terran Hegemony.

Margaret Mader

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Anthropologist whom the Free Traders on the Sisu allowed to travel with them, although they were normally wary of outsiders. She befriended Thorby Rudbek and did her best to explain their customs to him. When the ship reached Losian, she transferred to El Nido to return to the Terran Hegemony.

Lord Marlin

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Owner of the yacht that was Mother Shaum's pretended destination when she smuggled Thorby Rudbek to the Sisu.


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[mentioned in passing] Juggler who worked the main plaza in Jubbulpore.


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An employee at Mother Shaum's.

