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Миры Роберта Хайнлайна

По произведениям Роберта Хайнлайна и их экранизациям

Миры Роберта Хайнлайна

По произведениям Роберта Хайнлайна и их экранизациям

Хайнлайн: Персонажи рассказов

Всего персонажей - 33


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General superintendent of the Arizona atomic plant. He lobbied to have a power plant established in orbit after learning the possibilities of an explosion.

Персонаж рассказа "Взрыв всегда возможен"

Sam Houston Adams

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Man who died in a laboratory explosion on Luna. A memorial was set up to him and other victims.

Персонаж рассказа "Тёмные ямы Луны"

Grace Cormet

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Персонаж рассказа "...А ещё мы выгуливаем собак "

Dr. Cummings

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Dr. Silard's relief at the atomics plant.

Персонаж рассказа "Взрыв всегда возможен"

John Ezra Dahlquist

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Персонаж рассказа "Долгая вахта". Упоминается в романе "Космический кадет"


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[mentioned in passing] Mathematician/physicist who developed atomic theory that made possible the construction of atomic power plants. Some of his theories were later disproven

Персонаж рассказа "Взрыв всегда возможен"

Thomas Dooley

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[mentioned in passing] Man who died in a lab explosion on Luna. A memorial was set up to him and other victims.

Персонаж рассказа "Тёмные ямы Луны "

Dr. Archibald Douglas

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Персонаж рассказа "Да будет свет!"


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Hanger-on at DeLancey's Sans Souci Bar. Gus Erickson declined her offer to join them but gave her money for a drink

Персонаж рассказа "Взрыв всегда возможен"

Gus Erickson

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Engineer who replaced Cal Harper on watch after Harper was relieved of duty by Dr. Silard. He helped Cal develop a fuel suitable for space travel.

Персонаж рассказа "Взрыв всегда возможен"


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Director of the Harriman Trust in Luna.

Персонаж рассказа "Тёмные ямы Луны"

Maurice Feinstein

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[mentioned in passing] Died in a laboratory explosion on Luna. A memorial was set up to him and other victims.

Персонаж рассказа "Тёмные ямы Луны"

Larry Gaines

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Персонаж рассказа "Дороги должны катиться"


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Pilot who put the first power station satellite into orbit.

Персонаж рассказа "Взрыв всегда возможен"

Otto Hahn

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[mentioned in passing] Scientist who first controlled fission of the uranium atom.

Персонаж рассказа "Взрыв всегда возможен"


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Atomics worker seen drinking alone at DeLancey's Sans Souci Bar.

Персонаж рассказа "Взрыв всегда возможен"

Cal Harper

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Atomics plant engineer relieved of duty by Dr. Silard when his behavior patterns changed. He was put to work on research, and developed an atomic fuel suitable for space flight.

Персонаж рассказа "Взрыв всегда возможен"

Thomas P. Harrington

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Mathematician and director of the U.S. Naval Observatory. He raised fears that the atomic plants were unstable and may blow up.

Персонаж рассказа "Взрыв всегда возможен"

Hazel Hayakawa

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[mentioned in passing] Woman who died in a lab explosion on Luna. A memorial was set up to her and other victims.

Персонаж рассказа "Тёмные ямы Луны"


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Waiter at DeLancey's Sans Souci Bar.

Персонаж рассказа "Взрыв всегда возможен"

Tom Jeremy

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[mentioned in passing] Character in the video serial The Space Troopers.

Персонаж рассказа "Тёмные ямы Луны "

Alfred Korzybski

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[mentioned in passing] Lentz studied under him.

Персонаж рассказа "Взрыв всегда возможен"


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Owner of DeLancey's Sans Souci Bar. (Probably a nickname for DeLancey.)

Персонаж рассказа "Взрыв всегда возможен"


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Executive of the Harriman Trust, operating in Luna.

Персонаж рассказа "Тёмные ямы Луны"


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Foremost authority on situational psychoses who was brought in to assess the crisis at the Paradise, Arizona, atomics plant. He saw no way to solve the problem of increasing neuroses among plant workers, but worked with officials there to have power stations located in Earth orbit.

Персонаж рассказа "Взрыв всегда возможен"

"Baby Darling" Logan

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Younger son of Harriman executive Richard Logan, brought to the moon during his father's a business trip. He was older than the name implies, probably about five; he was obviously quite spoiled and used to getting his own way. During a guided tour on the lunar surface, he wandered away and got lost; his older brother Dick Logan eventually found him after other efforts failed.

Персонаж рассказа "Тёмные ямы Луны"

Dick Logan

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Older son of a Harriman executive, and a Boy Scout. He visited the Moon with his family, and was the only one to appreciate the experience. When his younger brother wandered off during an "outside" tour, Dick found him after other efforts failed. There is an implication that he would return to the Moon when he grew up.

Персонаж рассказа "Тёмные ямы Луны"

Richard Logan

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Businessman (Harriman executive) who visited Luna to consult with officials of the Harriman Trust, bringing his family with him.

Персонаж рассказа "Тёмные ямы Луны"

Mrs. Logan

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Woman who accompanied her husband to Luna for a business trip; she hated the experience except for the opportunity to wear scanty formal attire. She referred to herself as "Mother Dear".

Персонаж рассказа "Тёмные ямы Луны"


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Engineer at the atomic plant, who went violently insane from job stress.

Персонаж рассказа "Взрыв всегда возможен "

Dr. Mary Lou Martin

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Персонаж рассказа "Да будет свет!"

Gloria McNye

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Персонаж рассказа "Далила и космический монтажник"

Dr. Mott

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Персонаж рассказа "Взрыв всегда возможен"

