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Harry Potter and the Welcome to the World of Grey (слэш)

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Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson/Blaise Zabini, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Hedwig/Draco Malfoy's Owl, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore, Nagini (Harry Potter), Theodore Nott, Plenty of people you know
Slow Burn, Harry Potter is a Horcrux, No one dies who doesn't in the books, Sirius is sadly already gone, this is set literally right before Harry almost kills Bellatrix, it goes very differently and spirals from there, Harry struggles with Morality, Voldemort is still evil, but like, he's honest about it at least, Use of the Killing Curse, Use of Imperio, Harry Potter is Going Through It, he's struggling yall, He does some not so nice things, but like its very theraputic tbh, Draco Malfoy is an asshole, that doesn't change, he just gets schooled by Harry, The Malfoys are Complicated, Narcissa Malfoy really takes on a life of her own, Lucius is that character we all love to hate, Honestly yall this is gonna be a long one, A lot of stuff happens, Harry being an oblivious idiot who we all adore, Draco Malfoy being a repressed prat who we all cherish, Pining, Literally so much pining oh my god, A deep look into how things are not always black and white, No character bashing, Slytherins get a bad reputation, which is partially their own fault, Soft moments over stars and sweets, Harry can't catch a break sometimes honestly, Let him liveeee, I don't think I can tag everything that happens in this fic, Harry is technically a murderer, in the sense that he embodies that joke that goes, if you kill one killer the number of killers stay the same, so just kill two, he is doing his best ok, Angst, Grief, Fluff, Family Feels, Found Family Dynamics, Accurate Depictions of Teenage Hormones, No underage sexual activity, Just some reckless kissing and Harry being a mess honestly, I just treat it seriously and authentically, so much happens omg, Seriously there is just A LOT, Added Tags, Minor Implied Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley/Daphne Greengrass, you will probably end up liking Voldemort, that was a complete accident on my part, whoops
2 601 Кб
08.09.2020 — 17.12.2020
When Harry fails to keep his anger at bay and Voldemort possesses his mind, the events that follow lead him down a long road to realizing the world isn't as black and white as it seems.
Chaos, hilarity, and tragedy ensue with a Dark Lord being honest all the time, a rival becoming something else, and a world demanding to be saved. Featuring frightened Death Eaters, deep conversations with a monster, Pureblood traditions being ridiculous, and the fight to do the right thing with no true options.
Harry's life just gets more and more bizarre with each passing moment.
Or, the one where Harry's life gets split in half, and he has to figure out how to bring it back together.
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