Azula (Avatar) Redemption, Protective Azula (Avatar), Lesbian Azula (Avatar), Azula-centric (Avatar), Moon Spirit Yue (Avatar), Azula Joins The Gaang (Avatar), Firelord Iroh (Avatar), Iroh is trying his best, Bad Parent Ozai (Avatar), Manipulative Ozai (Avatar), Eating Disorders, Azula Needs a Hug (Avatar), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Yue-centric (Avatar), no beta we die like my grades, The Gaang as Family (Avatar)
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В процессе
04.10.2023 — 17.04.2024
After ten years Azula and Yue’s scares from the war have finally healed. Until a certain airbender and his flying bison wash ashore, old wounds must be reopened if the princesses wish to help the Avatar navigate a world that’s given up on his return and desperate for his help.
Горячая сцена. Первый раз. Он и она. Снарри. Что вам еще надо знать, чтобы бежать читать эту работу? Разве что то, что написана она прекрасно.