femme_de_lettres and greyeyedmonster18's Cruel Summer Fic Fest 2023, Shameless Smut, Song: Forever and Always (Taylor Swift), Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot
13 Кб
30.06.2023 — 30.06.2023
She couldn’t stop kissing him. She had pressed her mouth to his the second he had closed the door to the impossibly small flat. Her fingers wound their way into his white blond hair and she moaned as his tongue slipped into her mouth. She didn’t care about time, about tomorrow or the day after or even an hour from now, because he was kissing her with the same fire she was kissing him. His touch was all desire, and his hands on her face, holding her close was all she wanted. It was all she could ever want, his warm hands and his soft lips were working a hold on her that she couldn’t give up. Outside, rain started to pitter-patter against the window, on the fire escape, on the roof.
Звезду серии фильмов «Гарри Поттер» Джейсона Айзекса
спросили, кого бы он хотел сыграть в сериале по мотивам той же вселенной. Беседу с британским артистом опубликовало издание Deadline в социальной сети X.
Журналистка предположила, что сыгравший в оригинальных картинах антагониста Люциуса Малфоя может рассмотреть для себя роль волшебника Салазара Слизерина.
«Я надеюсь вернуться в качестве Гермионы, я уже отправил HBO Max запись на пробы», — пошутил в ответ 61-летний Айзекс.