Eventual Happy Ending, Anakin Skywalker Joins the Rebellion, Anakin Skywalker Doesn't Turn to the Dark Side, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Rebel Anakin Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker Needs a Hug, Anakin Skywalker is the Chosen One, Padmé Amidala Doesn't Die in Childbirth
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31.03.2024 — 06.08.2024
When Anakin is figuring out whether to stay in the council chamber like Master Windu ordered or to go to Palpatine's arrest, he hears a familiar voice tell him what to do. Across the galaxy, a wounded Obi-Wan hears the same voice. Star Wars AU with a happy ending, since nothing in Star Wars actually has that other than episode 4 and episode 6.