Post-Season/Series 05, Injury, Suicidal Thoughts, Abuse of Pain Medication, Alcohol, Friendship, Family, Hospitals, Gunshot Wounds, Sammi is a better shot than people think, But not good enough, Hopeful Ending, Fix-It of Sorts, Taking care of Mickey, Because he's family even if he doesn't know it yet
38 Кб
08.04.2015 — 08.04.2015
Debbie and Lip look at him. Then they look at each other. Then they look back at him. "They said there was a lot of blood when the ambulance came," Lip finally says. "We didn't know what had happened. Figured we should stop by and see if you made it." He shrugs awkwardly. "How you were doing." "Huh," Mickey says. He can hear what Lip is saying, and there is probably a world out there where his words make sense. Mickey is pretty certain that this is not that world.
Wicked Pumpkin:
Небольшая, но ёмкая и очень красивая история-метафора о кукольнике и его куклах. Он не диктует им, как жить и как поступать, куклы сами создают свою историю. Тонкости человеческой души раскрываются на...>>Небольшая, но ёмкая и очень красивая история-метафора о кукольнике и его куклах. Он не диктует им, как жить и как поступать, куклы сами создают свою историю. Тонкости человеческой души раскрываются на письменном столе, пока фарфоровые куклы блуждают в неясном свете свечей в поисках друг друга и самих себя. Мастерская работа!