"Afraid I'll embarrass you?" mocked Sherlock, looking up suddenly, his stare spearing Mycroft where he sat. Sherlock was too thin, too dirty - it was always a bad sign when he neglected personal hygiene - and he looked as if he hadn't slept for a week. "Oh, that ship sailed some years ago. You've been vocal enough about what you don't want. So tell me, brother dear, what is it you do want?" "You to leave me the fuck alone," said Sherlock venomously. Several heads turned. Mycroft ignored them. He took such incidents for granted when he was with Sherlock and had never cared what strangers thought - unless required to do so by his job.
Видео: если вы увидите у себя в подъезде плачущего мальчика с бумажкой, на которой написан адрес, ни в коем случае не ведите его по этому адресу...
Мои мысли: плачущий мальчик с бумажкой у нас в подъезде - это я, которому пришло 3к за свет