Poe Dameron/Finn, Kylo Ren & Rey, Kylo Ren & Snoke, Kylo Ren & Han Solo, Poe Dameron & Finn & Rey, Leia Organa/Han Solo, Armitage Hux/Kylo Ren, Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Rey (Star Wars), Finn (Star Wars), Snoke (Star Wars), Hux (Star Wars), Chewbacca, Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader
The Force, Alternate Universe - College/University, Unrequited Crush, Angst and Humor, Kylo Ren loves bonzai trees, Force chokes, Supernatural Elements, What is going on, evil hipster Kylo Ren, Alternate Universe, Murder, gratuitous but vague gore, Asexual Character, Canon-Typical Violence, Internalized Homophobia, Slow Burn, Hux Has No Chill, Drama, Phasma Ships It, occult nonsense, trigger warning, Slurs
146 Кб
В процессе
04.01.2016 — 29.12.2017
Kylo Ren has his whole future mapped out. He's going to figure out all the secrets of the universe in undergrad, then he's going to law school, and then he's going to take over the world. He's still trying to figure out what he'll do with it once he has it. So basically, he's pretty busy, and it's not very helpful when his dad decides to try his hand at fathering again, which really boils down to flying lessons, a lot of talk about liberal politics, and a big wet dog. It's super not great that Han has him babysitting a couple of hapless underclassmen, and it's even worse that he's starting to care about them so much that it's interfering with his secret double life as a psycho killer. College AU. Please don't take me too seriously
Тяжела преподавательская доля! Дашь слабину, позволишь себе толику сострадания, а на шею уже взгромоздились.
Текст с тонким юмором, очень лёгкий, жизненный, с яркими образами. Полное погружение) Улыб...>>Тяжела преподавательская доля! Дашь слабину, позволишь себе толику сострадания, а на шею уже взгромоздились.
Текст с тонким юмором, очень лёгкий, жизненный, с яркими образами. Полное погружение) Улыбка на протяжении всего прочтения вам гарантирована)
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