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Enter Sandman (слэш)

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fabricdragon ещё 6 произведений
Clint Barton/Tony Stark, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added, Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov, Past Tony Stark/Pepper Potts, Clint Barton & Loki, Tony Stark & Clint Barton, Other Character Tags to Be Added, Loki (Marvel), Steve Rogers
Other Additional Tags to Be Added, What Have I Done, I Don't Even Know, I Solemnly Swear That I Am Up To No Good, Dreams and Nightmares, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Aftermath of Torture, Aftermath of Violence, Post-Avengers (2012), Post-Thor: The Dark World, Not Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie) Compliant, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Everyone Has Issues, Dark, seriously Clint is the nicest guy in this story, Rape/Non-con Elements, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Enthusiastic Consent, Ok i give up this is really mixed up, The characters have officially taken over and i have no clue anymore, Minor Character Death
72 Кб
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22.12.2015 — 06.12.2016
This started with a single idea of Loki appearing in some Avengers dreams, and eventually leading to a IronFrostHawk story. However as is typical with my stories, the characters have their own ideas of where they are going, so... who knows?
Set after Thor, the Dark world, BUT... Age of Ultron didnt happen (at least not that way) and Winter Soldier hasn't happened, or at least it hasn't happened yet..., so Loki is secretly on the Throne of Asgard, as Odin. Meanwhile Clint Barton is dealing with the lack of trust from S.H.I.E.L.D. after being controlled by Loki...(yes still) Tony and Pepper have broken up (again, probably for good this time) and most of the Avengers are falling apart.
This is intended to be ....
I give up. i have no idea anymore, the characters don't tell me anything. your guess is as good as mine.
Updates weekly (Tuesdays when possible)
NOTE: Shares canon elements (i.e what Hydra was doing in the background, and the Psych Department of S.H.I.E.L.D. ) with part 8 of "A Tangled Skein" series, but is set in a completely different universe (Loki did not escape and return to earth in this one, he did in that one.)
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