Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Yuri Plisetsky, Makkachin (Yuri!!! on Ice), Potya | Puma Tiger Scorpion, Otabek Altin, Original Male Character(s)
the original character is just there for plot purposes, but he won't get in the way of the main couple, Yurio will make sure of that :), Fluff, lots of fluff, Yuuri and viktor are already a couple, but yurio is still the best wingman, no jealousy i promise, Podium Family, Yurio actually cares a lot for them, lots of cuteness in here!!, just something fun i wanted to write, no angst i promise
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В процессе
22.05.2018 — 02.08.2019
It's been a few months after Yuuri moves to Saint Petersburg with Viktor. One day, he accidentally received the wrong letter in the mail and, like the good neighbor that he is, decides to return it to the right person. Unknown to him, the owner of the letter takes a liking to Yuuri. Yurio notices this and decides to stop whatever plot their apartment neighbor has to woo Yuuri. Or Alternatively: Yurio tries everything in his power, and with the help of Otabek, to keep the neighbor away from Yuuri. Even if it means buying a bouquet of flowers for Yuuri in Viktor's name. AKA: A cute fic on how Yurio tries his best to keep his podium family together even though it was never in danger in the first place.
Разворошил мусорную корзину, пытался погрызть шипованный коврик на подоконнике (который, по идее, должен защищать цветы от кошек), лазил по столам и полкам, ударил меня лапкой по носу. -_-
Пришлось отложить кофе и поиграть с ним пять минут с веревочкой. Зверь побегал, успокоился и заснул. Так мирно спит сейчас, не видела бы это буйство своими глазами -- не поверила бы.))