Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Lán Yuàn | Lán Sīzhuī
Domestic Fluff, dark!Lan Wangji, Manipulative Relationship, Dubious Consent, Drug Use
50 Кб
01.01.2019 — 19.08.2019
Lan Yuan loves good days. He spends the whole day with his mother and father and it is filled with warmth and laughter. Lan Yuan absolutely loves good days. But just as there are good days, there are also bad days. Also: What would have happened if Lan Wangji had not taken "no" as an answer when he asked Wei Ying to come back to Gusu with him.
Примечания автора: Something short I thought of when I thought how it would turn out if Lan Wangji had not taken "no" as an answer when he asked Wei Ying to come back to Gusu with him.EDIT: Please do not re-translate my fics into other languages and post them on other sites like wattpad without my EXPRESS permission. Also, please don't add other people's stories onto my story and take that as canon to my story. Now with Russian translation by Arianne_Martell!
У доктора Маккоя день рождения. Джим Т. Кирк сумел преподнести ему такой подарок, лучше которого просто не бывает. Солнце по имени Джим светит во тьме душевных терзаний и согревает самое заледеневшее ...>>У доктора Маккоя день рождения. Джим Т. Кирк сумел преподнести ему такой подарок, лучше которого просто не бывает. Солнце по имени Джим светит во тьме душевных терзаний и согревает самое заледеневшее от горя сердце каждого, кого однажды назвал другом. И Маккой первый в этом списке.
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