Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Reincarnation, Angst, Post-Canon, major character death but only kind of!, canon compliant up till the end of frozen 1, Alternate Universe - Reincarnation, slowish burn
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02.09.2019 — 04.12.2019
Elsa looks at Anna, asleep in her arms, and she knows then that she would follow Anna unquestioningly to the ends of the Earth, across lifetimes, over centuries. Or: In 2019, Anna Andersen runs away from her wedding and stumbles upon a mysterious blonde stranger who seems to know her a little too well. [reincarnation AU]
Чудесная, выверенная до последнего слова и покоряющая своим стилем работа о чуде, которым способна стать одна-единственная случайная встреча, любви, тихой, но такой искренней и настоящей, и о счастье ее дождаться.