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My Unit | Byleth, Claude von Riegan, Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, Edelgard von Hresvelg, Sothis (Fire Emblem), Flayn (Fire Emblem), Seteth (Fire Emblem), Rhea (Fire Emblem)
Body Swap, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Angst, Rhea wins, Sothis takes over Byleth, Sothis as a protagonist, Fire Emblem Three Houses Endgame spoilers, Spoilers, Fire Emblem: Three Houses Spoilers, Spoilers for Post-Timeskip | War Phase (Fire Emblem: Three Houses), Post-Timeskip | War Phase (Fire Emblem: Three Houses), Female My Unit | Byleth, spoilers for all routes
13.09.2019 — 07.02.2020
Forced back to life to witness her daughter's insanity, the land she so loved at the brink of a war, and those who ruined her life so long ago still pulling the strings from the shadows, Sothis must put a stop to all this senseless bloodshed and help Byleth's students, while also facing her own guilt over the mercenary's demise.
An Alternate Universe where the ritual at the Holy Tomb works, and Sothis takes over Byleth's soul and mind.
Последнее обновление: 8 февраля 2020.
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